? Holistic Health Learning Center - San Francisco State University

Holistic Health Learning Center

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

Holistic Health

Learning Center

Integrating Self, Culture & Nature


Each semester a group of interns is selected to take leadership in staffing and developing the Center. Interns enroll in HH682 for 3 units of credit and work in the Center, local health care institutions or with selected mentors for the practicum component of the internship program.

To become an intern is to enter into a unique learning community. The internship program encourages students to think critically and develop a personal philosophy and broad worldview as they work and develop together. This includes learning about:

Leadership and Group Development
(team building, facilitation, value clarification and communication skills)

Integrative Health Care
(exploring alternative health-care therapies, careers and holistic thinking)

Community Service
(operation and development of the HH Learning Center and independent projects)

Past Intern Photos | Intern Activities

The Holistic Health Network

The heart of the center is the Holistic Health Network, a campus student organization, where social bonds are formed and where creative activites get generated. Anyone is welcome to attend: Thursdays, 10am - 12 noon in HSS 306.

Here sudents meet, enjoy each other and collaborate on projects they value. Students usually acknowledge we are living in a time of great social and ecological change. They come together to explore healing methods and to learn how they can help make the necessary social and ecological changes for a healthy and sustainable future.

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