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Visit SF State - Word on the Street - Sergey Arzumanov


Sergey Arzumanov


Undergraduate, Astrophysics and Russian


St. Petersburg, Russia

Why SF State..?

I liked the description of the program in Physics and also the campus, people I met here, and the fact that it was located in San Francisco.

Favorite place to spend time on campus...

Computer labs. The Student Center and the Library are also good choices.

Off-campus hangouts...

Outdoors, camping.

Most proud of...

Graduating from Lowell High School, former accomplishments in competitive swimming, and recently winning first place in the annual National [Post-Secondary] Russian Essay Contest [sponsored by the American Council of Teachers of Russian].

I couldn't live without...

Mutual understanding of certain values between friends.

Last good book you read...

And Quiet Flows the Don, by Mikhail Sholokhov, a famous piece of classic Russian literature.

Advice to new students...

Do not rush to a negative judgement, in any aspect of life.

Most difficult thing that you have mastered in your life...

To accept reality as it is.

The professors at SF State...

...Are very diverse in their styles and approaches to their students and subjects they teach.

What person or people, living or dead, would you most like to meet?

My grandparents and more distant ancestors who passed away, so that I could better understand myself.

Your favorite classes so far...

I have enjoyed a wide range of classes at SF State, among them were various math, physics and general education courses. I really appreciated an international relations course taught by Professor Dwight Simpson because of [my career interests].

In five years you'll be...

A person looking for further progress and moving toward it. There is a lot of international cooperation in the science industry between the United States and Russia. I'd like to imagine myself taking part in this -- working in physics and being able to travel and communicate with people from both countries.

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