Health and Safety      College of Science and Engineering (COSE)

Image: Pictures representing the depts of the College of Science and Engineering


Small amounts of radioactive materials are used at SFSU in teaching and research applications, primarily in biology and physics. The Radiation Safety Program at SFSU applies to the use and storage of radioactive materials and radiation-producing machines, such as x-ray machines. The program is overseen by the University Radiation Safety Committee and a Radiation Safety Officer (RSO).

  • Use of radiation-producing machines, such as medical, security, and analytical x-ray devices, must be approved by the Radiation Safety Committee before being put into service.
  • New users of radioactive materials must be formally enrolled in the Radiation Safety Program and complete initial safety training.
  • All purchases and acquisitions of radioactive materials must first be approved by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO).


Pregnancy Policy

Women who are pregnant may "declare" their pregnancy using the form letter below. This is entirely voluntary and may be rescinded, in writing, at any time. If a pregnancy is declared, in writing, then lower radiation exposure limits will apply for the duration of the pregnancy and pre-natal exposure information must be provided. For more information, contact the Radiation Safety Officer


Contact Information

Radiation Safety Officer
Linda Vadura




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