Health and Safety      College of Science and Engineering (COSE)

Image: Pictures representing the depts of the College of Science and Engineering


Current Radioactive Use Authorizations (Holders)

You must have a valid Radioactive Use Authorization (RUA) to buy, use, or store most radioactive materials at SFSU. You are required to work under the provisions and limitations of your RUA.


Summary of Record keeping and Reporting Requirement (PDF)

Packaging Radioactive Waste (SOP)


Record keeping Forms

RAD-1A: Acquisition Log

RAD-1B: Incoming RAM Receipt Report

RAD-1C: RAM Use and Transfer Log

RAD-1D: RadWaste Transfer Form

RAD-1E: New User Enrollment Form (for existing RUAs)


More information

Radioactive Decay Calculator (courtesy of University of Washington)



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