SF State Budget Central

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President Corrigan's budget message to students -- May 14, 2008


president corrigan

Dear Student:

Today, the California State University Board of Trustees made a difficult but necessary decision. With reluctance, but recognizing fiscal realities facing the CSU, the Board has voted to raise the State University Fee for 2008-09 by $276 (10 percent) for a full-time undergraduate student, with equivalent increases for other student categories. As always, any fee increase will be matched dollar for dollar for State University Grant and Cal Grant recipients, so those students should feel no effect.


Despite strong, mutual efforts by Chancellor Reed, the Board and campus faculty, staff and students to persuade the legislature and the Governor to provide the $73.2 million required to "buy out" a fee increase, they were not successful.


Although the 2008-09 State budget is not yet final, the Board acted now so that you could plan and so that financial aid packages could be adjusted in time to meet Federal and state funding deadlines. If, as we all hope, the final State budget includes the $73.2 million specifically for a fee buyout, this increase will be repealed. The Board has delegated authority to Chancellor Reed to take such action.


Another significant action today was the Governor’s release of proposed revisions to his January budget message, the “May Revise.” This version would reduce the cut to the CSU by $98 million. We would still, however, be dealing with a $215 million reduction in our proposed budget, plus the $73.2 needed for a student fee buyout. Nevertheless, the Governor’s proposal reflects his strong support for higher education, which I greatly appreciate.


I hope you understand why, in the face of major shortfalls in state funding, the Board raised student fees.


Without these fee dollars, SF State would be forced to reduce the class schedule even further, make other cuts to the academic program, and even turn away qualified students. You who are already here would find your progress to degree markedly slowed.


The way we all have come together over the last few months to make the case to the legislature and Governor for full funding of higher education and the CSU is one of the most positive-spirited, inspiring efforts I have seen in my years at SF State. Our unions, student government, administration and hundreds of individual faculty, staff and students have stood side by side – literally and metaphorically – in Sacramento.


It is possible, though certainly a long shot, that our fee buyout efforts will pay off in the end. Whatever that outcome, I can pledge that all of us who serve you will redouble our efforts to give you an outstanding educational experience.


president's signature





Robert A. Corrigan,

President San Francisco State University


For your information, following is the updated schedule of 2008-09 SF State student fees for all student categories:

  • Full-time undergraduate: $1,881/semester; $3,762/year
  • Part-time undergraduate: $1,241/semester; $2,482/year
  • Full-time credential student: $2125/semester; $4,250/year
  • Part-time credential student: $1,383/semester; $2,766/year
  • Full-time graduate student: $2,234/semester; $4,468/year
  • Part-time graduate student: $1,446/semester; $2,892/year
  • MBA/MSBA program full-time student: $3,434/semester; $6,868/year
  • MBA/MSBA program part-time student: $2,146/semester; $4, 292/year
  • Educational Leadership Ed.D. full- or part-time student: $4,416/semester; $8,832/year



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