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SPIN Funding Database
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SPIN Funding Database

SPIN (Sponsored Programs Information Network) is a funding opportunities database designed to provide up-to-date information on current national and international government and private funding sources. SPIN contains information from more than 2,500 different sponsoring agencies, which together fund thousands of separate funding opportunities. All of the data in SPIN is obtained directly from the sponsoring agencies to ensure the integrity of the information. Each program is updated in SPIN as the sponsoring agency updates or revises information, which is typically on an annual basis.

Available to SFSU faculty and administrative directors, GENIUS/SMARTS is a comprehensive, electronic funding opportunity notification system. Users set up detailed individual profiles by selecting keywords relating to their disciplines and projects. Profiles are then matched on a daily basis with government and private funding opportunities in the SPIN (Sponsored Programs Information Network) database. Matching opportunities are then automatically emailed to individual researchers.
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