SFSU AIDS Coordinating Committee

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

Objectives of the AIDs Coordinating Committee Were

1. Education

  1. To prmote educational programs for the campus community dealing with the following:
    • Information regarding HIV disease
    • Prevention strategies for education
    • Emotional and interpersonal issues associated with AIDS
  2. To promote educational activities related to AIDS by campus organizations and departments.
  3. To encourage the integration of AIDS education into the curriculum of all schools on campus.

2. Policy

  1. To assure that the SFSU HIV/AIDS Policy is accessible to the campus community. (note; in the years following the implementation of the SFSU policy, the CSU, borrowing heavily from our policy, developed a systemwide policy that was abandoned in 2004 because state and federal non-discrimination laws had been passed. See Retirement of the CSU AIDS Policy and Guidelines).

3. Resource/Referral

  1. To serve as a centralized resource for individuals, departments, and organizations in the campus community on any topic related to HIV/AIDS.
  2. To provide counseling, information, and referals for individuals with questions, concerns, or fears about HIV/AIDS.
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