JDP - Joint Doctoral Program in Leadership for Educational Equity

Faculty - Dr. W. Norton Grubb

Dr. W. Norton Grubb
University of California Berkeley



Dr. Grubb is a professor and the David Gardner Chair in Higher Education at the School of Education, the University of California, Berkeley. He is also the faculty coordinator of the Principal Leadership Program, which prepares urban principals. He received a doctorate in economics from Harvard University in 1975. He has published extensively on a variety of topics in the economics of education, public finance, education policy, community colleges and "second chance" programs including job training, and social policy for children and youth. His most recent book (with Marvin Lazerson) is The Education Gospel: The Economic Power of Schooling (Harvard University press, 2004), an analysis of the rise of occupational preparation at virtually all levels of formal schooling during the 20th century and the many consequences.

His research on teaching in community colleges, Honored But Invisible: An Inside Look at Teaching in Community Colleges, was published in March 1999 by Routledge, New York and London. In addition, he is the author most recently of Learning to Work: The Case for Re-integrating Education and Job Training (Russell Sage Foundation, 1996); Working in the Middle: Strengthening the Education and Training of the Middle-Skilled Labor Force (Jossey-Bass, 1996); and Education Through Occupations in American High Schools (Teachers College, 1995), a two-volume edited work on various aspects of integrating academic and occupational education.

In addition to his research, he has made many presentations to high school and community college audiences on various aspects of reform; as part of his technical assistance to community colleges, he has sponsored the Community College Cooperative at U.C. Berkeley.



Updated: 9/1/05