JDP - Joint Doctoral Program in Leadership for Educational Equity

Faculty - Dr. Cynthia E. Coburn

Dr. Cynthia E. Coburn
Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Education
University of California at Berkeley


Dr. Cynthia E. Coburn received her Ph.D. in Education from Stanford University. She is Assistant Professor in Policy, Organization, Management, and Evaluation at the Graduate School of Education, University of California at Berkeley.  Her research brings the tools of organizational sociology to understand the relationship between instructional policy and teachers' classroom practices in urban schools. She has studied these issues in the context of state and national reading policy, attempts to scale-up innovative school reform programs, and district-wide professional development initiatives.  She was the recipient of a Spencer Foundation national dissertation fellowship in 1999 and won the 2002 Dissertation Award from Division L (policy and politics) of the American Educational Research Association.  Recent work has been published in Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Educational Researcher, Sociology of Education, and Educational Policy.


Updated: 9/1/05