University Planning Advisory Council

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

Proposal #84


Proposal Title:     Merger of departments and programs, movement of programs from one college to another

Anticipated Savings/Revenue: 

Units affected:  Several

Impacted Degrees/Courses:

Brief Description of Proposal:
Certain departments and programs seem good candidates for "cooperative mergers" that could result in efficiencies in staff positions and greater resources for the departments/programs involved. Departments that could be merged include, for example, English, Humanities and World and Comparative Literature (such as exists at UCSC and several other universities), Political Science and International Relations (few universities have separate IR departments), Geosciences and Environmental Studies, Sociology and Anthropology, Public Administration and Labor Studies.

In addition, certain departments and programs may be better suited in other colleges -- such as Public Administration and Labor Studies in the College of Business. Many progressive colleges of business require students to take courses on public administration, employment relations and labor standards. Given the the central role of social justice and equity in mission of the university, it would seem appropriate that SFSU's excellent College of Business follow this model. While the savings from this time of move may be minimal -- although, once again, there would probably be efficiencies in staff positions -- it would increase the resources available to certain programs and reduce the strain on resources in certain departments and colleges.  


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