University Planning Advisory Council

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

Proposal #78


Proposal Title:     Recognizing service of departments to the service of all students; not just their majors

Anticipated Savings/Revenue: 

Units affected:  all that offer undergraduate degrees

Impacted Degrees/Courses: all

Brief Description of Proposal:

This issue was raised at the UIC symposium:
If we go to a model where departments are rewarded/recognized for the number of majors they graduate, they will not have incentive to serve other all-university programs -- GE or other majors.

The reality is that virtually all undergraduate majors either offer courses required by other departments or require courses that other departments offer. Sometimes both. None of us work in a vacuum and rely on each other to facilitate all students' progress.

Proposal: Every department/program should be required to provide service to the university (e.g. they can't opt out of providing courses for GE for the general student or for providing "service" courses to other majors). However, the university needs to figure out how to better support/recognize the departments that provide a huge amount of service courses. And perhaps even define service more broadly than course offerings.


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