University Planning Advisory Council

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

Proposal #72


Proposal Title:    Camera Surveillance System

Anticipated Savings/Revenue:

Money savings in the long run by reducing if not eliminating property damage and loss due to theft and burglary.

Units affected: 

College of Health and Human Services has now protected all of its units in the HSS and GYM buildings as well as the BH computer lab and other areas are being tested.


Impacted Degrees/Courses: None directly but due to cost savings due to reduction of losses and damages.

Brief Description of Proposal:

While the initial startup cost may seem a touch high, the benefits in the long run outweigh the initial investment cost and do so rapidly. Since the introduction of the cameras the loss of property (not just university but personal) has decreased dramatically and those crimes which have been committed had a 100% arrest rate. Word got out quickly and criminal elements have picked easier targets. The cameras are not used for monitoring staff or faculty, in fact in work areas they are on a timer and are off 7am to 7pm. Many have indicated they feel safer with them visible especially if working late. They are also used in labs reducing the need for staff to watch over the labs as well as the server room and other sensitive areas.


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