University Planning Advisory Council

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Proposal #71


Proposal Title:    PECS -- CHHS Master DataBase System

Anticipated Savings/Revenue: 

Tremendous amount of reduction of labor for staff (Ex. Manual entry and form conversions) as well as increased accuracy due to system checks.

Units affected: 

College of Health and Human Services has now been using this system for a few months with success and is adding modules as I am writing this.

Impacted Degrees/Courses:

More of an increase in efficiency and accuracy then cost. But due to time savings it is definitely a money saver although hard to put dollar signs next to.

Brief Description of Proposal:

PECS (Personnel Expenditure and Course Scheduling) is basically a relational DataBase running in-house on a Microsoft SQL system which connects all areas of the college with the information needed to perform day to day duties. Access is controlled for each module (6 currently) as required. Procurement, Fiscal Services, Operations, etc all have a home here. Due to the overlap of data it makes sense to keep all this information in a controlled secure environment. Example: Faulty Joe Smith, Operations screen will show required info such as room, jack number in room, phone,etc.  IT screen shows PC assigned as well as peripherals, static IPs, etc. HR end shows appointments, classes being thought, salary info, etc. Info has to be entered only once. It is also designed to draw from existing campus databases (Sims/R, HRMS, FMS, etc) to collect this information and reduce the amount of time (in many cases days) it may take for staff to recreate this information for their use.


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