University Planning Advisory Council

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

Proposal #55


Proposal Title:     Elimination of library services in the library building, and reassignment of library faculty


Anticipated Savings/Revenue:  unknown


Units affected:  Library


Impacted Degrees/Courses:


Brief Description of Proposal:

These days, most faculty and students do scholarly work and research through online full text journal articles and in many cases online books and book chapters. The university currently doesn't have the funds for all of the subscriptions that are needed to support their work, and indeed many online journals are now being slated for elimination. Currently, faculty are accessing needed journals through pirated access to U Berkeley's library system, through former students and the like. Savings in reassigning the library faculty and staff, and converting the library building for classroom or other use, would allow for the university to buy a full suite of online subscriptions. A special section of the existing library building could be maintained for history, humanities and other disciplinary areas such as art for faculty who work through paper- or film-based media, or need access to archival materials.

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