University Planning Advisory Council

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

Proposal #53


Proposal Title:     Program Elimination

Anticipated Savings/Revenue:  unknown

Units affected:  several

Impacted Degrees/Courses: several

Brief Description of Proposal:

Establish criteria for careful examination of those departments that have fewer than, say, 20 or 30 bachelors graduates per year or 10 or fewer masters degrees.  I count 13 bachelors programs with 20 or fewer, some of which have a fairly large number of t/tt faculty members.  Some are service departments that offer many courses meeting GE requirements or basic courses that are required in other majors.  However, some seem to have little reason to have a separate existence.  By consolidating such program with other, larger programs, there will be some efficiencies of scale.  In other cases, programs could be discontinued on the basis of lack of student interest.  Masters programs that produce very few graduates should be examined especially carefully, since there is a very low SFR in most graduate courses, making those very expensive if there are relatively few graduates. 


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