University Planning Advisory Council

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

Proposal #25


Proposal Title:     Reduce Number of Colleges/Departments


Anticipated Savings/Revenue:  not known


Units affected:  Not specified


Impacted Degrees/Courses: not specified


Brief Description of Proposal:

This campus has more colleges for the range of departments than I've seen in several places I've been.  Obvious opportunities, combining Humanities with BSS, as the departments seem generally to all be 'humanities' in the older sense.  I'm not familiar with all colleges, but it seems like BSS has a number of very small departments.  Combining won't save a lot of money necessarily, but it might set up future narrowing of academic directions.  Some departments could be broken up and sets of faculty moved to other departments.  For example, Env Studies could move to one of the science departments along with physical geographers.


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