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Letter from President Corrigan to the
General Union of Palestinian Students


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August 5, 2002

General Union of Palestine Students

Dear Members of GUPS:

Thank you for your letter of July 31, expressing both your condemnation of any form of racism and your commitment to freedom and justice for all peoples of the world. These are ideals to which I am personally committed, and they are at the very heart of our mutually beloved San Francisco State University. I am pleased to see them so well articulated in your letter.

I was also very heartened to read that your membership had no prior knowledge of the April 8 flier, and that you saw in the ugly, offensive elements of the flier examples of the racism you so abhor.

I am full of hope that as we begin to prepare for the coming fall semester, the shared ideals you outline in your letter will help us to navigate these difficult and painful times and guide us toward the goal I articulated last spring: "to work consciously to speak and act in a way that recognizes the humanity of all members of our community, that sees individuals, not enemies."

Sincerely yours,

Robert A. Corrigan

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Last modified August 5, 2002, by the Office of Public Affairs