Bulletin--Asian Area Studies Program

Asian Area Studies

College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Dean: Joseph Julian

Asian Area Studies Program
HSS 381
Director: DeVere Pentony

Professors—Girard, Hough, Lee, Lunine, Mishima, Pahl, Pentony, Siegelman, Yang

Associate Professors—Arnoff, Steier, Thandeka, Wong

Assistant Professors—Banerjee, Yao

Lecturers—Cahill, Epstein, Kobayashi, Kuo, Yamaguchi

Minor in Asian Area Studies

Program Scope
The Asian Area Studies Minor is designed to give students an introduction into the rich and varied cultures of Asia and their relationships with the rest of the world. At a time in history when this part of the world has become increasingly important to Americans, the need to gain better understanding of the complex Asian scene has never been greater. The rising tide of immigration of people from Asia into the United States, the rapidly increasing trade and financial transfers with nations of the Pacific Rim, and the increased attention to Asian arts, literature, philosophy, and medicine signal the need to increase the pool of Americans who understand the Asian ways of thinking and doing. This minor offers an inviting opportunity for students to develop career and life enhancing academic experiences at the university. Students who complete this minor will find themselves better equipped to live and work in what some are now calling the Asian century.

Students who select this minor will find that it is designed to permit them to focus on the multi-faceted character of one of the major civilizations of Asia, while not losing the opportunity to grasp the interrelationships in Asia and between Asians and other areas of the world. The thrust of the minor is interdisciplinary. Not only are students asked to take courses from three of the broad areas of knowledge; i.e., the humanities, language and literature; the human sciences, international business and history; and the performing arts and art history, but they are also introduced to the majestic sweep of matters Asian through the three required core courses which feature the story of Asia in its breathtaking variety. From traditional Asia through Asia in transitional times to contemporary Asia, no major area of knowledge nor time period is left untouched. Students are asked to analyze, synthesize, empathize, and otherwise, make sense of the Asian experience. The fact that faculty from more than thirteen of the academic departments and programs of the university are involved in this program testifies to its scope and possibilities for depth.

This minor is an appropriate companion to a wide variety of majors in the university. The availability of the Asian Area Studies Minor can serve to give greater guidance through the perplexing path of elective courses and programs beyond the major, whether a student is focusing her/his major attention on the arts, humanities, the social sciences, education, literature, business, journalism, creative writing, foreign languages, intercultural communication, etc.


Students interested in this minor should see one of the Asian Studies faculty to choose the courses most appropriate to their area of interest. One of the strengths of this program is the possibility for tailoring it to the individual student's needs. NOTE: Not more than nine units may be transferred from other campuses; no more than six units can be taken on a CR/NC basis.

The Asian Area Studies Minor consists of a core curriculum of three courses which contain material and perspectives which reach across the normal disciplinary divisions of the university, plus fifteen or sixteen units of upper division courses taken from the following list, on advisement.

Courses for this program are listed in alphabetical sequence (see Course Disciplines listing in the Announcement of Courses section).

Core Curriculum									Units
ANTH/HIST 391 Traditional Asia							    3
HIST/IR 392/GEOG 573 Asia in Transition						    3
HIST/IR/SS 393/GEOG 574 Contemporary Asia					    3
		Total for core							    9

Elective Courses
Students must take six units from Group I: Humanities and Literature; six or seven units from Group II: Human Sciences and History; and three units from Group III: Performing Arts and Art History.

Group I: Humanities and Literature						    6
	CHIN 401	Traditional Chinese Culture
	CHIN 402	Contemporary Chinese Culture
	CHIN 513	Modern Chinese Literature
	CHIN 521	Twentieth Century Fiction
	CHIN 580	Topics in Chinese Language and Literature 
			(all topic courses)
	HUM 366		India's Gandhi
	HUM 375		Biography of a City (topic courses: Beijing, Tokyo, 
			and Kyoto)
	HUM 510		Comparative Form and Culture: East/West
	HUM 530		Chinese Civilization
	JAPN 401	Topics in Japanese Culture (all topic courses)
	JAPN 510	Modern Japanese Literature
	JAPN 560	Modern Japanese Fiction
	JAPN 590	Topics in Japanese Literature (all topic courses)
	JAPN 600	Topics in Japanese Culture and Literature in English
	PHIL 502	World Religions
	PHIL 510	Far Eastern Philosophy and Religion (all topic courses)

Group II: The Human Sciences, International Business, and History		  6-7
	ANTH 315	Regional Ethnography (topic course: Peoples and Cultures 
			of the Far East)
	ANTH 481	Asian Pre-history
	GEOG 507	Japan and California
	GEOG 570	Regional Studies (topic course: Pacific Basin)
	HIST 113	Asian Civilizations
	HIST 570	History of Traditional China
	HIST 571	History of Modern China
	HIST 578	History of Japan
	HH 381		Holistic Health: Eastern Perspectives
	HH 383		Chinese Perspectives in Holistic Health
	HH 420		Chinese Body-Mind Energetics (4)
	HH 510		Chinese Perspectives of Stress Management
	HH 530		Herbal and Nutritional Principles in Chinese Healing
	IBUS 379	U.S.-Japan Business Relations
	IBUS 592	Doing Business in China
	IR 325		Chinese Foreign Policy
	IR 326		South and Southeast Asia Foreign Relations (4)
	PLSI 404	Politics of China (4)

Group III: Performing Arts and Art History					    3
	ART/HUM 205	Asian Art History
	JAPN 200	Art of Japanese Writing and Calligraphy
	JAPN 550	Modern Japanese Drama
	HUM 540		Styles of Chinese Cultural Expression
	MUS 530		Music of the Middle East, Far East, and 
			Sub-continental India
	MUS 531		Music of the Pacific Basin
	KIN 106		Elementary Aikido (1)
	KIN 142		Elementary Judo (1)
	KIN 242		Intermediate/Advanced Judo (1)
	KIN 145		Elementary Karate (1)
	KIN 245		Intermediate/Advanced Karate (1)
	KIN 148		Kung Fu: Elementary Chin-Na (1)
	KIN 175		Elementary Tai-Chi Chuan (1)
	KIN 275		Intermediate/Advanced Tai-Chi Chuan (1)
		Total for minor							24-25
Foreign Language Requirement
All students completing the Asian Area Studies Minor are required to demonstrate intermediate level competency in a relevant language other than English. This requirement may be met by completing the university entrance requirement of two years of high school language study, one year of successful college level language study, or by demonstration of equivalent competency.

Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified June 27, 1995