Bulletin--Interdisciplinary Stds. in Education Discipline


College of Education
(See Administration and Interdisciplinary Studies in the Academic Programs section for information on the degree)

Undergraduate Courses

100 General Studies Colloquium (3)

Developing the individual's awareness and knowledge of the university community-its resources, services, structure. Personal and career counseling.

150 Orientation to Education (3)

Teaching as a career; professional opportunities, qualifications and demands. Classroom visitation and field trips through educational institutions. Designed to help students assess their interest in teaching as a vocation. Does not meet professional education requirements.

160 Data Analysis in Education (3) [GE]

Prerequisite: a score of 550 or above on the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) exam, or an approved exemption. Graphical representation of statistical data, introductory descriptive and inferential statistics including measures of central tendency and variability, standard scores, correlation and regression, probablistic reasoning, random sampling, and selected parametric and non-parametric tests of statistical significance. Descriptions of capabilities of computers for data analysis.

201 The EOP Student and the University (1-3)

Assist EOP students in clarifying their academic goals and objectives. To provide students with skills and understandings to facilitate academic choices. To improve progress towards student goals with most effective use of student time and resources. Continuation of ISED 100.

204 Critical Thinking and Decision Making (3)

Exposure to and experience of various aspects of critical thinking including logical argumentation, hypothesis generation, concept acquisition, inductive reasoning, explanation and the like. Emphasis throughout is an application of decision-making skills learned in the course to real-life personal and societal problems.

585 Cross-Cultural Education (3)

The study of the "multicultural classroom" and the effects of a culturally pluralistic model as an alternative to the present traditional monocultural model.

606 Seminar in Principles and Methods of Adult Education (4)

Seminar in nature, scope, functions, and changing character of adult education; objectives, methods, resources, and evaluation in adult education; social influences on adult needs; educational implications of research on adult learning; observation of adult education programs.

607 Seminar in Planning Adult Programs (3)

Educational institutions and organizations serving adults. Institutional coordination. National and community role of adult education. Assessment of community needs. Identification of target populations. Cultural differences in adult communities. Process of program development. Program evaluation and administration.

612 Statistical Methods in Education (3)

Examination of statistical methods utilized in educational situations; inferential and descriptive methods, both parametric and non-parametric.

630 Introduction to Evaluation in Education (3)

Formulating educational objectives in verifiable terms, evaluating standardized and teacher made tests, developing feedback procedures for students and parents relevant to student performance, analyzing and criticizing various approaches to data gathering, and interpreting both qualitative and quantitative evaluation data.

661 Supervised Field Experiences in Designated Subjects (2)

Corequisite: ISED 681. Individualized program of supervised field experiences in designated subjects. Designated by advisement. Open only to candidates formally approved by the Department of Administration and Interdisciplinary Studies.

681 Seminar in Field Experiences in Designated Subjects (3)

Prerequisite: departmental approval. Corequisite: ISED 661. Examination of problems encountered in supervised field experiences including cultural differences in students and communities, special needs of students, counseling and guidance, needs, leadership development, and instructional evaluation.

691 Study of Selected Topics (1-3)

Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Topic is related to contemporary educational problems. Social aspects of the topic are emphasized. May be repeated for credit.

699 Special Study (1-3)

An intensive study of a particular problem in education under direction of a member of the department. Enrollment by petition approved by the instructor, adviser, and department chair. Open to regularly enrolled students only.

Graduate Courses

735 Seminar on the Adult Learner (3)

Prerequisite: ISED 606 or equivalent. Seminar on adult learning processes; multicultural learning styles in adults; motivation and the adult life cycle; educational implications of research on adult learning; special needs of adult students.

736 Seminar in Adult Leadership (3)

Prerequisite: background in social foundations. Problems and methods of composing and conducting adult groups. Diagnosing factors in group productivity, methods of involvement, creating group goals and controls, leadership roles and discussion patterns.

744 Seminar in Curriculum for Bilingual/Cross-Cultural Education (3)

Corequisite: ISED 745. Strategies for teaching emphasizing team-teaching, use of volunteers and paraprofessionals, peer-team learning, and individualizing instruction. Coordinated with ethnic studies and language courses. Consultation with cultural specialists and language specialists.

745 School Practicum: Bilingual/Cross-Cultural Education (3)

Corequisite: ISED 744. Evaluated instructional experience within bicultural classrooms: development of teaching materials including learning achievement packages; team-teaching with master teacher and paraprofessional; individualized instruction for a variety of purposes.

747 Multicultural Learning Styles (3)

Exploration of the unique learning styles of children and youth from different cultures. Consideration of new theories and methods including second language acquisition which can be used in classrooms.

797 Seminar in Educational Research (3)

Prerequisite: consent of graduate adviser. Identification and analysis of research problems; research methodology; research techniques including sufficient familiarity with descriptive statistics to interpret research writing; application of research findings to field problems.

891 Seminar in Selected Studies (3)

Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Advanced study of a selected topic in education. Research and social aspects of the topic are considered. Choice of topics are related to contemporary educational problems. May be repeated for credit.

895 Field Study (3)

Alternative culminating study for the Master of Arts in Education with concentration in Special Interest Areas under direction of graduate major adviser. Graduate Approved Program and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.

898 Master's Thesis (3)

Prerequisites: advancement to candidacy and approval of graduate adviser. Submission of a thesis when required for the master's degree. Credit granted when thesis is approved. Graduate Approved Program and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.

899 Special Study (1-3)

An intensive study of a particular problem in education under direction of a member of the department. Enrollment by petition approved by the instructor, adviser, and department chair. Open only to regularly enrolled students.

Course Disciplines Listing, Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified June 15, 1995