Bulletin--Educational Administration Discipline


College of Education
(See Administration and Interdisciplinary Studies in the Academic Programs section for information on degrees)

Graduate Courses

713 Administrative Processes (3)

Leadership of faculty groups, problem analysis, problem solution, decision-making, communication in school settings. Course is utilized for assessing leadership potential and is part of admission process.

714 Practicum: Site Administration (3)

Designed to develop competencies needed by a school site administrator. Application of principles and techniques of planning, organizing, managing, problem-solving, community relations, program and personnel evaluation, accounting, and budgeting at a school site.

733 Supervision of Instruction (3)

Teacher behaviors, techniques, and principles of learning which affect learning, self-concept, and classroom climate. Supervisory skills and techniques, current practices in the supervision process for the improvement of instruction, curriculum development, and evaluation. Competencies are developed and tested.

743 Planning and Evaluation (3)

Developing competencies in educational planning and program evaluation. Includes principles and practices in needs assessments, surveys, problem solving, and program evaluation. Competencies tested in class and field situations.

753 Personnel Management (2)

The recruitment, selection, and assignment of staff in educational institutions. Other areas of focus are the evaluation of classified personnel and the interpreting and implementing of contracts. A variety of instructional approaches are used.

773 Site Administration (3)

Organization, program development, staff relations, student personnel, budgeting, community relations of school sites, and special programs.

774 Program Administration (3)

Prerequisite: EDAD 773. Planning and directing school programs including the analysis of educational futures, career planning, school communications, conflict management, and site budgeting.

775 Administration and Coordination of Early Childhood Education Programs (3)

Prerequisites: E ED 700, 707, 708, 801; ISED 797. Administrative principles and practices for organizing educational programs for young children. Administrator's role regarding staff development; parent and community relations; human relations, communication and leadership skills; personnel policies, budgets, proposal writing, equipment and supplies, record keeping; legislation, licensing.

783 Computers for School Administrators (3)

Computers in school administration: micros, minis, mainframe. Capabilities of each for data-based school administration; examples: master scheduling, student attendance, grades, budgeting, inventory control, purchasing records, personnel data, and computer assisted instruction. "Hands-on" experience. Review of software applicable to education.

784 Special Education Administrative Competencies (1-3)

Designed to acquaint the administrator for regular education programs with the major aspects of federal and state legislation effecting special education with an emphasis on the identification, referral, assessment, individual education program, placement, and procedural safeguards procedure.

822 Practicum: Leadership in Supervision and Curriculum Development (3)

Principles and techniques for developing curriculum and improving teachers in service. Administrative organization, group processes, and communication skills in supervision work. Current practices in supervision and their evaluation. Application and demonstration of supervisory skills and competencies through intensive internship experience.

823 Practicum: Evaluation, Research, and Planning (3)

Designed to extend competencies developed in EDAD 743. Organization of evaluation programs, staffing, interpreting data to public and budgetary considerations. Application and testing in classroom and field assignment situations.

824 Practicum: Personnel Management (2)

Designed to extend competencies in EDAD 753. Planning, conflict resolution, and selected personnel procedures. Application and testing the field under the supervision of specialists.

825 Practicum: Finance and Business Management (3)

Designed to develop understandings of federal, state, and local revenue, tax and support programs. Emphasis is on California finance, budgeting, business services, useful technological equipment, and the ability to use this understanding and knowledge effectively. Primarily field oriented.

826 Practicum: Superintendency (3)

Designed to develop competencies needed by top-level administrators; i.e., superintendent/deputy superintendent. Broad social, political, economic, legal, and educational problems, and trends and issues affecting public education. Extensive field experience is utilized in the development of competencies.

850 Advanced Leadership Assessment (1)

Advanced leadership assessment procedures and professional development programs individually designed and planned in collaboration with school systems.

851 Instructional Management (3)

Designed to develop competencies through knowledge and a broad range of instructional methodologies; supervision and evaluation processes; learning climate factors; alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment; and effective staff development strategies.

852 School Law for Administrators (2)

The effect of the American legal system on the actions of the school administrator; legal status of the public schools in California; printed legal sources helpful to the site administrator.

853 Fiscal Management (1)

Status of public school support; financial organization and control; problems of budget, supplies, maintenance, capital outlay; legal requirements.

854 Staff Development (2)

Prerequisite: completion of Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. Provide knowledge and application of skills of adult staff development theories, relationship between staff development and organizational development, design of a model for inservice education, critical characteristics of professional development programs, and evaluation of staff development programs.

855 Educational Leadership for the Future (3)

A macro-view of the educational leader's role in addressing educational issues at local, state, national, and international levels. An examination of trends affecting educators, identification of critical needs, and assessment of alternatives.

856 Advanced Internship I (3)

One of four three-unit advanced internships selected, consistent with the student's individual plan developed in EDAD 850.

857 Advanced Internship II (3)

One of four three-unit advanced internships selected, consistent with the student's individual plan developed in EDAD 850.

858 Advanced Internship III (3)

One of four three-unit advanced internships selected, consistent with the student's individual plan developed in EDAD 850.

859 Advanced Internship IV (3)

One of four three-unit advanced internships selected, consistent with the student's individual plan developed in EDAD 850.

884 Practicum: Quality Circle Facilitator (3)

Under field conditions and with on-site faculty supervision to develop the skills of facilitating groups by use of Quality Circle Methods.

891 Internship Site Administration I (3)

The first course of a two-semester internship to develop those competencies needed for entry level site administration with attention to school management and leadership, improvement to the educational program, personnel management, school-community relations, school law and finance, governance, and politics.

892 Internship Site Administration II (3)

Prerequisite: EDAD 891. The second course of a two-semester internship to develop those competencies needed for entry level site administration with attention to school management and leadership, improvement to the educational program, personnel management, school-community relations, school law and finance, governance, and politics. Serves as alternative culminating experience for master's degree in Educational Administration.

895 Field Study (3)

Prerequisites: advancement to candidacy and approval of graduate adviser. Alternative culminating study for the Master of Arts in Education under direction of graduate major adviser. Graduate Approved Program and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.

897 Research in Education (0)

Prerequisites: Graduate Approved Program and Proposal for Culminating Experience forms must be on file before registration. In-depth study, discussion, and evaluation of topics germane to M.A. and M.S. candidates in the College of Education. May not be used to satisfy minimum unit requirements for the M.A. or M.S. degree offered in the College of Education.

898 Master's Thesis (3)

Prerequisites: advancement to candidacy and approval of graduate adviser. Submission of a thesis when required for the master's degree. Credit granted when thesis is approved. Graduate Approved Program and Proposal for Culminating Experience Requirement forms must be approved by the Graduate Division before registration.

899 Special Study (1-4)

An intensive study of a particular problem in education under direction of a member of the department. Enrollment by petition approved by the instructor, adviser, and department chair. Open only to regularly enrolled students.

Course Disciplines Listing, Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified June 8, 1995