Bulletin--Chinese Discipline


College of Humanities
(See "Chinese" in the Academic Programs section for information on degrees)

All upper division courses are conducted in Chinese.

Undergraduate Courses

101 First Semester Chinese (5) [GE]

Instruction in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing modern Mandarin Chinese. Emphasis on the spoken language. Laboratory attendance required. (See the Department of Foreign Languages statement in the Academic Programs section.)

102 Second Semester Chinese (5) [GE]

Prerequisite: CHIN 101 or equivalent. Continuation of First Semester Chinese. Laboratory attendance required.

103 Third Semester Chinese (5)

Prerequisite: CHIN 102 or equivalent. Understanding, speaking, reading, and writing modern Mandarin Chinese at the intermediate level.

111 Mandarin Chinese for Chinese Dialect Speakers (5)

Designed for Chinese dialect speakers to improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Mandarin Chinese. Emphasis is placed on expanding vocabulary, learning useful idiomatic expressions, and developing fluency.

191 First Semester Cantonese (5)

Instruction in understanding, speaking, and writing modern Cantonese Chinese. Emphasis on the spoken language. Laboratory attendance required.

192 Second Semester Cantonese (5)

Prerequisite: CHIN 191 or equivalent. Continuation of instruction in understanding, speaking, and writing Cantonese Chinese. Laboratory attendance required.

251 Chinese Conversation (3)

Prerequisite: CHIN 102 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Designed to improve students' oral fluency in Mandarin. Emphasis on expanding vocabulary and correcting pronunciation.

301 Chinese Composition and Conversation (5)

Prerequisite: CHIN 103 and 251 or consent of instructor. Moderated group discussions on Chinese life and thought. Analysis of grammar and speech patterns. Practical exercises in composition. Required for Chinese majors and minors.

302 Chinese Composition and Reading (5)

Prerequisites: CHIN 103 and 251 or consent of instructor. Selections from plays, short stories, and essays for intensive reading. Compositions in both full and simplified Chinese characters.

411 Media Chinese (3)

Prerequisite: CHIN 306 or 307 or equivalent. Advanced study of Mandarin as it is used in various genres on radio/television and in newspapers/magazines; news reports and articles, editorials, interviews, and advertisements.

412 Advanced Oral Presentation and Writing (3)

Prerequisites: CHIN 301 and 302 or consent of instructor. Acquisition of advanced proficiency in speaking and writing in Chinese on various topics and for different communicative situations.

501 Introduction to Classical Chinese (3)

Prerequisite: CHIN 103 or 302 or consent of instructor. Stylistic and structural characteristics of classical Chinese; problems of interpretation.

507 Traditional Chinese Culture (3)

Prerequisite: CHIN 301 or 302 or equivalent. An introduction of the highlights of the development of Chinese culture from antiquity to the nineteenth century. Selected readings, films, slides, and field trips.

521 Twentieth Century Fiction (3)

Prerequisite: CHIN 104 or equivalent. The period after the 1919 Literary Revolution. Discussion and essays in Chinese.

525 Chinese Applied Linguistics (3)

Prerequisite: CHIN 301 or 302 or consent of instructor. Application of modern descriptive linguistics to the analysis of phonological, morphological, and syntactic structures of Mandarin.

537 The Chinese Language and Modern China (3)

Prerequisite: CHIN 104 or consent of instructor. An examination of the impact on Chinese language of foreign contacts and social change, contemporary language reform and modernization, the diversity of spoken forms, and the writing system in relation to speech.

580 Topics in Chinese Language and Literature (3)

Prerequisite: CHIN 104 or equivalent. Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Selected topics in Chinese language and literature: authors, works, movements, genres, criticisms, interpretation, teaching of Chinese language or literature, translation, etc. May be repeated when topics vary.

600 Topics in Chinese Language, Literature, and Culture in English (3)

Prerequisite: ENG 114 or consent of instructor. Topic to be specified in Class Schedule. Exploration in various aspects of Chinese language, literature, and culture. Lectures, readings, and discussion in English. Open to all students. May be repeated when topics vary.

601 Chinese Literature in Translation: The Poetic Tradition (3)

Prerequisite: ENG 114 or equivalent. The study of poetry by major Chinese poets from antiquity to the thirteenth century. Emphasis on generic and stylistic evolutions of the literary tradition and the aesthetic achievements of individual poets. Taught in English.

602 Chinese Literature in Translation: The Narrative Tradition (3)

Prerequisite: ENG 114 or consent of instructor. Survey of prose forms in Chinese literary tradition, ranging from philosophical essays, historical writings, fiction and drama, from 500 B.C. to novels of late 19th century. Taught in English. Open to all students.

699 Special Study (1-3)

Prerequisites: consent of department chair and instructor. Special topics in Chinese. Written projects requiring critical analysis and interpretation of linguistic or literary problems. Material adapted to individual needs and interests.

Graduate Courses

Prerequisite for each graduate course in Chinese: admission to Chinese program or consent of instructor.

700 Seminar in Research Methods (3)

Problems and methods of research. Bibliography, criticism, and exercises in writing scholarly, critical papers on Chinese studies.

821 Seminar in Modern Chinese Literature (3)

Reading, discussion of, and critical papers on full-length modern novels and plays.

822 Seminar in Classical Chinese (3)

Classical philosophical, historical, and belletristic writings. Each student prepares and presents research papers on one type of classical writing.

825 Chinese Linguistics and Chinese as a Second Language (3)

Prerequisites: CHIN 325 and 326 or equivalents. Seminar in the theoretical and practical issues in the study of the Chinese language.

826 Seminar in Chinese Discourse (3)

Prerequisite: CHIN 825. Analysis and study of theoretical issues in the linguistic variation across Chinese spoken and written discourse types such as casual conversation, personal letter, public lecture, and expository essay.

880 Seminar: Special Topics (3)

Topic to be specified in the Class Schedule. Concentration on one literary movement or one group of authors. May be repeated for credit when different topics are covered.

899 Special Study (1-3)

Prerequisites: consent of the graduate major adviser and the supervising faculty member. Study is planned, developed, and completed under the direction of a member of the departmental faculty. Open only to graduate students who have demonstrated ability to do independent work. Enrollment by petition.

Course Disciplines Listing, Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified June 12, 1995