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Submit a Proposal
  PI Eligibility
PI Checklist
Grant Applicant Info
1. Start early, allow enough time
  • You must notify ORSP of your proposal AT LEAST 3 weeks before your agency deadline, so that we can ensure we will have the staffing resources to work with you.
2. Notify ORSP
  • Complete our On-Line PI Checklist. All questions must be answered. Then you will be contacted by a Proposal Preparation Specialist who will help you draft your budget.
3. Prepare your proposal
  • You will meet with your Proposal Preparation Specialist to formulate your budget.
  • If you would like editing assistance, our Proposal Editor can help.
  • Budget, forms, and supporting documentation should be completed one week before the deadline.
  • Final version of ALL materials to ORSP at least 3 days before the Receipt Deadline (or at least 1 day before a Postmark Deadline).
Important information about SFSU's multi-year Facilities and Administrative (indirect cost) rate agreement:

San Francisco State University has a multi-year Facilities and Administrative (indirect cost) rate agreement with the federal government. This agreement specifies the F&A cost rates to be applied to awards from federal and non-federal sponsors. The agreement is dated November 3, 2005, and is effective through June 30, 2010.

The rates specified in the agreement are as follows:

The rate for on-campus research is 50.0 percent through 6/30/06 (will increase to 53.0% on 7/1/06); for on-campus instruction, 43.0 percent through 6/30/06 (will increase to 53.6% on 7/1/06); for other on-campus sponsored activities, 28.0 percent through 6/30/06 (will increase to 28.6% on 7/1/06).

The rate for off-campus research, instruction, or other sponsored activities is 26.0 percent.

Exceptions to these rates occur when a funding agency places a cap on the F&A rate. In this case, ORSP must have written guidelines from the funding agency stating that there is a limit on F&A costs.

If you would like to discuss any variance from the above rates, you must speak directly with Ken Paap, Associate Vice President of Research (kenp@sfsu.edu or 415-338-7091).

Read SFSU Indirect Cost Agreement (pdf format)

For additional information, see the answers to our Frequently Asked Questions.
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