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Volume 62, Number 19    January 23, 2015         

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Fewer delays
A Dec. 18, 2014, FindLaw report on changes made by the National Labor Relation Board (NLRB) to union election rules included commentary by Associate Professor and Director of Labor and Employment Studies John Logan. "While the NLRB's new rules will address the most egregious delaying practices, they will not prevent employers from communicating their anti-union message to workers and will likely make scant difference to the balance of power in certification campaigns," Logan said.

The Interview interviews
On Dec. 18, two SF State faculty weighed in on Sony's controversial move to hold off on the release of the movie "The Interview." "I think it is a precedent, because at the height of the Cold War, we weren't worried about depicting the Soviet Union in a bad light," Professor and Interim Chair of Cinema Steve Kovacs told KGO-TV. "[What should Sony have done?] Nothing." Professor of Management Sally Baack told KCBS Radio, "Sony absolutely did the right thing. We're looking at a very potentially real threat. … We know the impact could be great, and ultimately there's no harm in putting the brakes on the timing from this perspective."

Intention and application of awareness
Professor of Health Studies and Director of the Institute for Holistic Health Studies Adam Burke dispelled common myths about meditation for a Dec. 25 Yahoo! Health article. "Meditation actually does require quite a bit of mental intention and application of awareness. It's definitely not just relaxing," Burke said. "Meditation does come from cultures where it was affiliated with religious traditions, like Hinduism, but there are some practices, like mindfulness meditation, that have become very secularized."

Meeting needs
President Les Wong discussed SF State's vision for a planned campus in the Hunters Point development for a Dec. 28 San Francisco Examiner report. "We want to keep the theme of offering participants technical skills that might be helpful in them seeking employment from some of the technology and biotech businesses, from Mission Bay to Silicon Valley," Wong explained. "We've tried to ask ourselves not only what could we do, but what do the residents want? That's what these community meetings will be about."

Aging differently
On Jan. 2, WBUR Boston interviewed Professor of Gerontology Brian de Vries regarding the unique challenges faced by aging LGBT individuals, who may find themselves outside of traditional family structures. "This generation came of age when homosexuality was considered criminal, a form of mental illness or a security risk. ... LGBT individuals turned away from formal services because, in part, they were turned away," de Vries said. "There is this crisis competence. By being alone, these seniors have developed strength and resilience and they're bringing that into their later years. ... Heterosexuals in traditional family settings have others who will raise this [end of life] issue whether they like it or not, but here we are as gay men or lesbians with people we have chosen as our family… so how can we introduce this discussion in those settings so we can be better prepared?'"

Bach was the spark
Professor of Music Roger Woodward discussed his early interest in music and his celebrated career in a Jan. 4 Sydney Morning Herald feature article. "I heard Bach and that was the spark that ignited the rocket and I took off to some other galaxy. ... I just soared when I heard that music. Nothing could ever be the same again," Woodward said. "At 72, the idea of constant renewal is now something I look forward to more than ever. I suppose I am busier than ever and there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done."

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