Reader: Matthews, William

Accession Number - 84

Date: 11/06/74
Length: 35 minutes
Tape Quality: good
Collection: Poetry Center
Ethnicity: white
Language: English
Use Policy: available
Content: "Why I Didn't Notice It," "Craven Magnificence," "Many Deluxe Features," "To Thine Own Self Be True," "Premature Ejaculation," "The Star," "The Tunnel," "A Little Tourist Piece," "The Penalty for Bigamy is Two Wives," "More Snow," "On the First Green...," "The News," "Eyes," "What Palmists See," "Moving Again," "Sunday Alone in a 5th Floor Apartment in Cambridge, Massachusetts," "The Party," "Your Sleep," "A Walk," "Living Among the Dead," "Dream House," and "Taking the Train Home."

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