President's Centennial Message
To the campus community, friends, and visitors to San Francisco State University:

Welcome to SFSU's Centennial Web site -- an invitation to celebrate and learn more about the history and bright future of one of America's great public universities.

SF State has had a monumental impact in its first century, and we will spend the entire year -- from January through December, 1999 -- honoring that achievement. As we prepare, and throughout the celebration, this site will provide highlights of SFSU's colorful past along with up-to-the-minute information on centennial planning and events: ways to get involved and join the fun.

I love this University, and I feel fortunate to be here as its president at this remarkable moment in its history. Please join me in celebrating San Francisco State -- a first-class University in a world-class city!

Robert A. Corrigan

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Archived Information. Last modified March 20, 2009, by University Communications