WWWBoard is a threaded World Wide Web discussion forum and message board which allows users to post new messages and followup to existing ones.

Create a new WWWBoard | Remove an old WWWBoard | Additional Info and Help

Create your WWWBoard
Enter your SFSU Login name: @sfsu.edu
Enter your SFSU password:
Enter your directory name:
Enter your WWWBoard name:
Create a WWWBoard WWWAdmin password:
Re-enter your WWWBoard WWWAdmin password:

Directory name - the name of the directory created in your account to store your WWWBoard files. Do not enter any spaces or punctuation

WWWBoard name - the title of the wwwboard will appear at the top of the WWWBoard and under the users bookmarks if the page is bookmarked

WWWAdmin password - the password used to remove postings from your WWWBoard, your SFSU login will be the WWWAdmin Username

How to remove your WWWBoard

Once the WWWBoard is no longer needed the directory that contains the WWWBoard files can be removed using and FTP application such as Fetch (Macintosh) or WS_FTP (Windows).

Using Fetch:

Using WS_FTP:

For Help and More Information

WWWBoard is developed by Matt's Script Archive.

Contact the Web Specialist.