Student Voices {Support Public Higher Education}

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

William's Voice

Photo of William R

How have increased tuition fees impacted you and your family?:
The increase of tuition rates over the past two years has impacted and challenged me immensely. It has created a financial burden and an additional roadblock to my academic and career goals. I am a first generation college student, graduate and now master's student who is seeking to take advantage of academic equity. However, the rise of tuition is the contrary of equity and justice. Being the first in my family to attend college has allowed me to pave the path for my siblings and my future children to attend college one day, yet that will be made nearly impossible with tuition hikes. My family banks on education and knowledge because without it we are merely dispensable citizens.


What are you studying at SF State and what do you hope to do once you graduate?:
I am currently studying to be a school or college counselor. Therefore, I am enrolled in the counseling graduate program. My expected date of graduation is May 2012, in which I will attain a degree from a CSU institution that will enable me to advocate for students seeking to obtain educational opportunities. My primary goal as a school and college counselor will be to provide students with a positive outlook about their future as it relates to higher education and professional endeavors.


William R., 29 San Francisco



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