Student Voices {Support Public Higher Education}

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

Valeska 's Voice


How have increased tuition fees impacted you and your family?:
Tuition fees have increased so dramatically in the three years I¿ve been attending San Francisco State University. When I first started tuition was $1881 and it is now over $3000. The tuition increase has greatly affected me. I¿ve more than doubled my hours working since I started college which means less time for school, homework, and studying. In some instances I¿ve had to give up buying required books for certain classes because I couldn¿t afford it. I¿m considered part of the middle class so I¿m not eligible for financial aid which makes this whole college experience very stressful and harder to succeed at.


What are you studying at SF State and what do you hope to do once you graduate?:


Valeska Z., 21 San Francisco



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