Student Voices {Support Public Higher Education}

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

Tina's Voice


How have increased tuition fees impacted you and your family?:
I do not have the luxury of my family to help me with school, rent, or bills. Due to my situation, I had to work enough to pay what is needed to sustain living situations. Right now, I have just enough financial aid to pay for classes and some books. If there are more fee hikes, I will not be able to pay for books at all.


What are you studying at SF State and what do you hope to do once you graduate?:
I am studying Business Administration concentrating in Management. Once I graduate. I will find a job that will let me use all the knowledge I acquired from SFSU. With extra money that I earn from my new job, I will get to donate to my favorite charities.


Tina T., 24 Pacifica



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