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Time and Effort Reporting
  Time and Effort Reporting Policy (.pdf)
  Time and Effort Reporting Procedures (.pdf)
Frequently Asked Questions
  Time and Effort Reporting Instructions (.pdf)
Sample Time and Effort Report (Academic Semester) (.pdf)
  Sample Time and Effort Report (Intersession) (.pdf)
Frequently Asked Questions about Time and Effort Reports


Why did I receive a time and effort report?
You should receive a time and effort report from ORSP if you fall into the following categories:
  • You are a PI and supervised salaried staff who were paid from a grant during the specific time and effort reporting time period
  • You submitted a request for and charged Reimbursed Release Time to your grant for the specific effort reporting time period
  • You submitted a request for and received Additional Pay during Winter Intersession, Spring Break, or Summer
  • You received any part of your salary from a sponsored project (i.e. overload, calendar year appointments)
My staff member was only hired at 50% time base, but it says that 100% of her salary came from the grant.
Total time and effort should always equal 100%. If your employee was paid from a project at a 50% time base and this was her only appointment, then 100% of her salary and time and effort would have been on that project.
Is time and effort the same as time base?
Sometimes, but not necessarily- see example above. If a staff member was appointed to one grant for a time and effort reporting time period and was hired 100% time, then yes time and effort base will be 100%.
I received RRT for this past semester but I don't see the project on the time and effort report- what should I do?
If your time and effort report is not accurate, you should make the appropriate corrections, sign it, and return it to ORSP.
What do I do if my staff member was paid off the wrong project?
If the project number is incorrect, correct the time and effort report, sign it and return to ORSP. However, since all PI's receive detailed financial reports each month, this should not occur. If more than one month of salary needs to be moved from one grant to another, an acceptable justification must be provided.
I requested an RRT but did not receive a time and effort report.
This means that the RRT that was requested was not processed. If ORSP does not receive a signed RRT agreement by the deadline for the specific time period, the RRT will not be processed.
I received a time and effort report, but don't remember asking for RRT.
If you received a time and effort report, a request was submitted, an agreement was emailed to you, and a signed copy was returned to ORSP before a financial transaction was initiated. If you still feel that this was sent in error, please contact the Compliance Officer in ORSP.
I received a time and effort report for a staff member who no longer works at SFSU.
Verify that the information is correct, sign as the supervisor, and note on the time and effort report that this person is no longer employed by SFSU.
I am on sabbatical and out of the country, can someone else sign my time and effort report?
In cases when faculty are either on sabbatical, or some other form of leave from the University, the Department Chair, or the Dean of the College can sign and certify the time and effort reports for the faculty member.
What will happen of I don't turn these back to ORSP?
Since these are federal regulations and SFSU is required to comply with them, if a PI does not return certified time and effort reports to ORSP, or does not contact the Compliance Officer about the time and effort reports, ORSP will have no choice but to suspend activity on that PIs' grants until the issue is resolved.
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