San Francisco State University

President Corrigan's ViewPoint

ViewPoint by President Corrigan is published in First Monday for the faculty and staff at SFSU on the first Monday of the month during the fall and spring semesters by the Public Affairs and Publications offices. EXT 8-1665.

March 4, 2002

When the CUSP II strategic planning commission held its first meeting, on Jan. 31, we immediately recognized that our first task would be to give some shape to our broad mandate. We needed to decide how the commission saw its role, how it would engage the campus and the larger community, and how it might sort out the many issues and lines of inquiry to approach strategic planning in an organized way.

We have made significant progress in all these areas, and I want to share it with you. As I anticipated, CUSP II is going to be an exceedingly collaborative process, reaching out to the campus community and providing many opportunities for involvement. The commission even came up with a lively diagram to depict the planning structure that will serve us best (see back page for diagram). Much of the diagram is self-explanatory, but I want to call two elements to your attention. First, dotted -- not solid --lines separate the circles representing various groups. Information, ideas, and involvement will flow back and forth. "Breathing in, breathing out," as one commissioner more poetically put it.

Next, you'll notice that CUSP II places "driving questions" in the center of the diagram, as important to its work as important as "data" and "conversations." Getting at the driving questions Ð the main, organizing areas of inquiry that shape how we proceed Ð has been a lively process of brainstorming, refining, and finally, grouping the questions. The results so far are laid out below. I say "so far" because we know that this is a first pass. More questions can and probably should be asked and perhaps whole other areas of inquiry need to be considered. Once you read this, I would welcome your thoughts, suggestions, and responses. I will bring them to the commission, getting our campus conversation under way.

Planning Our Future: The Defining Questions

Defining Ourselves

What should we be to whom? How should we do it? What will stop us?

Destination Campus

Do we want to become a destination campus? What will it mean for the University if we do?

Instructional Priorities/Resource Allocations

What are our academic priorities and how can we use them to guide resource decisions?

Graduate and Professional Education

What should the role of graduate and professional education be at SFSU? How should we be supporting it?

The Student Experience

What kind of University experience do we want our students to have?

Faculty and Staff:

How do we attract the best faculty and staff to the University? How can we make SFSU a fulfilling place for them to work?

Structure and Delivery

Do we have the most effective structure and delivery systems to support our educational goals?

External Relations

What is our proper community role? What are appropriate external partnerships to enable us to play that role better?

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Last modified March 1, 2002, by the Office of Public Affairs