SF State News

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

Support the future -- support public higher education

Banners atop street poles in downtown San Francisco declare on the left-hand side:  'Support public higher education' with the SFSU.edu url underneath.  There are three different phrases  on the right: 'For the public good,'  'For the strength of our state,' and 'The future depends on it'.


California's future -- its economy and quality of life -- depends on an educated workforce.

Public higher education helps build a stronger, economically competitive state.
Your support is essential.


Here's how you can help:

Donate -- Make a gift to SF State to support scholarships and programs.


Advocate -- Call, visit or write your state elected officials to let them know you value public higher education and want full funding for SF State and the California State University system http://www.sfsu.edu/~news/budgetcentral/index.html


Join with us -- at SF State, the Education Budget Advisory Committee meets weekly to plan strategies and actions that can raise awareness about the need for state support of higher education. Contact Derek Aitken if you want to join.


Educate -- Educate your relatives and friends about the importance of higher education and the need for the governor and legislature to provide strong support for higher education. Share your story about the impact that higher education has had on you: what doors did your education open? Where would you be without it?


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