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Volume 62, Number 32    May 1, 2015         

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Curbing an impulse
Research by Associate Professor of Psychology Ryan Howell, which found compulsive shopping can be fueled by poor credit management and the belief that new purchases will increase happiness, was the focus of an April 22 Personal Finance Cheat Sheet report. "While we know that a person's values impact their shopping habits, values aren't the easiest thing to change. However, our statistical models showed that, even if you are materialistic and you have the desire to acquire more possessions, it's how you manage your behavior that counts," Howell explained. "Our findings suggest that you can keep your shopping under control by paying attention to your credit cards and checking in with yourself about whether you are shopping for emotional reasons."

A sea of diversity
Scientific American reported in an April 22 article on the efforts of a dive team that includes Associate Professor of Biology Sarah Cohen. Cohen and the team are exploring a continent-sized patchwork of habitats, populations and communities of diverse organisms near the Philippines in an area known as the Western Pacific Ocean's "Coral Triangle."

Community health
A report by Associate Professor of Economics Philip King found that Sonoma Valley Hospital generated $104 million in economic activity in Sonoma County, the North Bay Business Journal reported on April 27. "Hospitals in general are an important part of the economic engine for a region, and Sonoma Valley Hospital is a strong contributor both in the Sonoma Valley and throughout Sonoma County," King said.

Easier to come out
On April 27, reported on research by Caitlin Ryan of the Family Acceptance Project that shows that the average age that LGBT youth come out is continuing to decrease. "We found the average age of coming out was a little over 13. And it's dropping down even more," Ryan said. "The information age has removed [a] barrier that prevented earlier generations of LGBT adults from figuring out who they were

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