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Volume 52, Number 26   March 14, 2005         

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Matt Itelson
, Public Affairs and Publications, was recently named treasurer of the San Francisco Bay Area Publicity Club.

Creative Arts
Roger Woodward
, Music and Dance, was recently awarded the Chevalier des Arts et Lettres by the French Government.

Richard Festinger, Music and Dance, recently won an American Academy of Arts and Letters' Academy Award in Music. The award is $7,500 for the composition of a work with another $7,500 toward the recording of one work.

"Immigrant Experience: Choosing Rules and Procedures" by Penelope Flores, Secondary Education, was published in a recent issue of the Journal of Interdisciplinary Education.

Gilda M. Bloom, Secondary Education, was presented with a certificate of achievement for completing the National Education Association's Higher Education Emerging Leader Academy held March 6 in San Antonio.

Ethnic Studies
Somewhere Else, a collection of poems by Matthew Shenoda, American Indian Studies, was recently published by Coffee House Press.

Health and Human Services
Erik Peper
, Health Education/Holistic Healing Studies, presented "Death and Dying: Holistic and Energetic Perspectives" on Oct. 28 at the Institut fur Sterbebegleitung in Vienna. Peper co-authored the chapter "De Klinische Toepassing van Biofeedback Binnen de Fysiotherapie" for the recently published Jaarboek Fysiotherapie/Kinesitherapie. He also co-authored the paper "Mind-Body Medicine, Biofeedback, and Common Health Disorders" for the International Symposium of Noo-Logotherapy in Centenary of Viktor Frankl's Birth held in December at Catholic University in Lubin, Poland.

"Progeny," a short story by Nona Caspers, Creative Writing, was recently published in Blithe House Quarterly. Her story "Heavier Than Air" was published in Literal Latte and her manuscript of stories titled "Heavier Than Air" was chosen as a finalist for the 2005 Bakeless Literary Award.

Maxine Chernoff, Creative Writing, kicked off the spring semester's visiting writer program at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, with a reading in February.

"How to Raise Early-Stage Private Equity Financing," a book by Joel Margulis, English Language and Literature, and Gerald A. Benjamin, was recently published by John C. Wiley and Sons.

Nitzhia Shaked, Jewish Studies, presented a talk on "Human Rights in Jewish Law" on Feb. 1 at the Contra Costa Jewish Community Center.

"Digging," a memoir piece by Toni Mirosevich, Creative Writing, appears in AutoBioDiversity, an anthology of true stories from Zyzzyva magazine published recently by HeyDay Books.

San Francisco Urban Institute
Sharen Hewitt
, San Francisco Urban Institute, recently received a certificate of recognition from Assemblyman Mark Leno as one of four "Remarkable Women Making a Difference."

Student Affairs
The Career Center recently received the California Career Education Association 2005 Presidential Award for Region 2.

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Last modified March 14, 2005, by the Office of Public Affairs & Publications