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Volume 56, Number 10    October 20, 2008         

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Redefining education
In an Oct. 10 Marin Independent Journal opinion piece, Mark Phillips, professor of secondary education, stressed the importance of high school reform. Phillips provided his version of a plan he believes would correct current flaws in the education system and better prepare students for the real world. "There needs to be recognition by educators and policymakers that the schools are broken and there is a need to bring about a major overhaul in the system," Phillips said.

Honesty is the best policy
In an Oct. 13 Human Resources Executive article, Professor of Management John Sullivan said companies not only need to communicate their true intentions to their employees when it comes to the environment, but also follow through with their actions. "The effort needs more than better communication," Sullivan said. "If workers are really going to buy into a company's environmental effort, it has to be in (the company's) values, it has to be in everything you do -- it has to permeate the business."

Protein potential
In an Oct. 14 Times of India article, Diana Chu, assistant professor of biology, explained the potential of the research in her field; suggesting that proteomics could provide those suffering with male infertility key information and specific individual treatments. Chu's work focuses on advancing current research on proteins in sperm cells. "In-depth study of the molecular basis of infertility has great potential to inform the development of sensitive diagnostic tools and effective therapies," Chu said.


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Last modified Oct. 20, 2008 by University Communications.