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Multiculturalism and Social Work | San Francisco State University

The role of school mental health professionals in resolving school-related sexual harassment complaints

Author: Linn,-Eleanor; Fua,-Rose-B
Author Background:
Date 10/1/99
Type Journal
Journal Title: Social Work in Education
Volume/Pages v21, no4, p.263-8
Subject Matter Gender Issues
Abstract Part of a special issue on gender. The writers consider the function of the school mental health professional in resolving school-related sexual harassment complaints. The school mental health professional is in an excellent position to teach young people about appropriate behaviors and ways to resolve hurtful problems. Moreover, a school social worker who is informed and involved can play a major role in moving a school s culture from denial to awareness. This change in attitude can move people from passive acceptance to active rejection of sexual harassment. The practitioner who advocates for the student can limit the behavior of the perpetrator and diminish the degree of harm that the target of sexual harassment experiences. Two student-to-student sexual harassment situations involving adolescents are presented. DE: Sexual-harassment; Surveys-High-schools; Student-counselors-Duties; Social-workers-Duties