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Multiculturalism and Social Work | San Francisco State University

I'm just glad that I'm here: stories of seven African-American HIV-affected grandmothers.

Author: Poindexter, C.C; Linsk, N.L
Author Background: School of Social Work, Boston Univ., 264 Bay State Rd., Boston, MA 02215; e-mail: ccp@bu.edu
Date 1999
Type Journal
Journal Title: Journal-of-Gerontological-Social-Work
Volume/Pages 32(1): 63-81
Subject Matter Aging, Grandmothers-; Blacks-; Social-services; Caregivers-; Human-immunodeficiency-virus-(HIV)
Abstract This article reports the experiences of seven African American HIV-affected grandmothers who participated in a qualitative study in Chicago, Illinois, in 1996. Showcasing their stories highlights the existence and concerns of a population that is frequently overlooked. These respondents' attitudes about caregiving were mixed: they experienced it as a mixture of burden and honor. In the face of multiple stressors these grandmothers demonstrated remarkable resilience, spirituality, and a commitment to kin. Even though the African American grandmothers were heroic and dedicated, they needed support from social service and health care systems. Grandparent caregiving in the HIV epidemic will likely increase, and practitioners and policy makers should be prepared to better address the needs of this growing population. (Journal abstract.)