Holistic Health Learning Center

Image: Photos of SF State students and scenes from around campus

Holistic Health

Learning Center

Integrating Self, Culture & Nature

Living Systems, Complexity & Holistic Wisdom

Complexity, Chaos & Systems Sciences

Ackoff Center for Advancement of System Approaches, Univ. of Penn. http://acasa.upenn.edu
Society for Cybernetics, the science and art of cybernetics. www.asc-cybernetics.org
The Center for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan. www.cscs.umich.edu
Chaos Hypertextbook (primer on chaos and fractals). http://hypertextbook.com/chaos
Chaos Theory (brief introduction). www.imho.com/grae/chaos/chaos.html
Complex Systems, Google Directory http://directory.google.com/Top/Science/Math/Applications/Complex_Systems
The International Federation For Systems Research, scientific and educational agency, to advance cybernetic and systems research and systems applications. www.ifsr.org
The International Society for the Systems Sciences. www.isss.org/world
New England Complex Systems Institute. www.necsi.org
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems. www.northwestern.edu/nico/complex_systems
Science Magazine (issue, Complexity Science). www.sciencemag.org/content/vol284/issue5411
Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences. www.societyforchaostheory.org
Systems Biology, entering a new era of preventive medicine/health care. www.systemsbiology.org
Systems Thinking – Overview. www.systems-thinking.org

Creative Inquiry, Consciousness & Systems Design

Buckminster Fuller Institute, design science in service of life and ideas of BF. www.bfi.org
Bioneers, visionary and practical solutions - its all connected. www.bioneers.org
Center for Creative Inquiry, exploring the power of open inquiry. www.creativeinquiry.org
Dreamfish, cultural innovation through art and creative connections. www.dreamfish.com
The General Evolution Research Group. www.thedarwinproject.com/gerg/gerg.html
Institute for Intercultural Studies, seeking intercultural understanding and the preservation and
accessibility of the work of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson. www.interculturalstudies.org
Institute for Noetic Sciences, exploring the frontiers of consciousness. www.noetic.org
Integral World, integrative/systems-based thinking of Ken Wilber, including the primary role of human consciousness: integral philosophy, natural order and evolution. www.integralworld.net
Santa Fe Institute, exploring applications of system-based science. www.santafe.edu
Syntony Quest, dreaming and building a sustainable future. www.syntonyquest.org
Thinking Page, info to improve organizational and individual thinking. www.thinking.net

-Related Links, also see: (1) Green Living & Eco-Design; (2) Consciousness Studies, Creativity and Spirituality; (3) Holistic Education and Careers; (4) New Global Society: Economics, Peace and Justice.
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