Holistic Health Learning Center

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Holistic Health

Learning Center

Integrating Self, Culture & Nature

Integrative Medicine – Information, Doctors & Health Centers

Integrative, Complementary & Alternative Medicine - Information Search

• New Holistic Health Care Products Directory. www.holisticseek.com
• Holistic Junction: Business Directory for holistic practitioners. www.holisticjunction.com
• Holistic Healthcare: Search directory, local holistic health practitioners. www.holistichealthcare.com
American Holistic Health Association, information search services. http://ahha.org/ahhahis.htm
Cochrane Collaboration Complementary Med. Field, Univ. of Maryland. Reviews of clinical trials in complementary therapies. www.compmed.umm.edu/Cochrane/index.html
Holistic Pediatric Association, wise choices for parents and health professionals. www.hpakids.org
Inst. for Health & Healing, Calif. Pacific Med Ctr., clinical services, etc. www.cpmc.org/services/ihh
National Center For Biotechnology Information – Pubmed, online search tool developed by the Natl. Library of Medicine, at the National Institutes of Health. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). http://nccam.nih.gov
Natural Standard (Cambridge, MA), evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies from over 100 academic institutions. www.naturalstandard.com
Medifocus.Com (Silver Spring, MD), info about 40+ chronic/life threatening conditions for informed decisions about care with some references for alternative therapies. www.medifocus.com
WebMD, healthy living info, yet more medical/authoritarian than integrative. www.webmd.com
World Research Foundation, info. for illnesses and therapies used around the world. www.wrf.org

-Related Links, also see: (1) Diseases, Treatments & Prevention: Cancer , etc.; (2) Holistic Health Education and Resources; (3) Holistic Education & Careers: Holistic Medicine Ed., Research & Development; (4) Integrative Medicine – Doctors & Medical Centers; (4) Alternative Therapies; (5) Consumer Issues: Health Care System.

Integrative Medicine – Doctors & Medical Centers

American Academy of Environmental Medicine. www.aaem.com
American Assn of Naturopathic Physicians, locate a naturopathic physician. www.naturopathic.org
and California Naturopathic Doctors Association. www.calnd.org
Am. Board of Holistic Medicine, board certified MDs practicing holistic care. www.holisticboard.org
Beth Israel Med Center, Continuum Center for Health & Healing. www.healthandhealingny.org
Bravewell Clinical Network, eight leading integrative care clinical centers. www.bravewell.org
Includes The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, Univ. of California, SF. www.osher.ucsf.edu
Columbia University, Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. www.rosenthal.hs.columbia.edu
Duke University, Duke Center for Integrative Medicine. www.dcim.org
George Washington University, GW Center for Integrative Med. www.integrativemedicinedc.com
Harvard Medical School, Osher Institute. www.osher.hms.harvard.edu
The Institute for Health and Healing, California Pacific Medical Center, SF. www.cpmc.org/ihh
The Health Medicine Institute (Lafayette, CA). www.healthmedicine.org
Mayo Clinic, Integrative Med Consultation Service. www.mayoclinic.org
Oregon Health and Science University, Center for Women's Health. www.ohsuwomenshealth.com
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine. www.jeffersonhospital.org/cim
True North Health Center (Maine), dedicated to a healthier model of health care, focused on patient education and relationship-centered integrative medicine. www.truenorthhealthcenter.org
University of Alberta, CAM. Research and Ed (pediatric integrative med). www.care.ualberta.ca
University of Arizona, Program in Integrative Medicine. www.integrativemedicine.arizona.edu
Univ of California-Irvine, Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Med. www.sscim.uci.edu
UCLA Collaborative Centers for Integrative Medicine. www.ccim.med.ucla.edu

-Related Links, also see: (1) Holistic Health Overview: Complementary, Alternative & Integrative Medicine - Info Search; (2) Diseases, Treatments & Prevention; (3) Alternative Therapies; (4) Consumer Issues: Health Care System.
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