Holistic Health Learning Center

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Holistic Health

Learning Center

Integrating Self, Culture & Nature

Integral (Integrated/Holistic Living)

Consciousness Studies, Creativity & Spirituality

Consciousness Studies & Self-Development

Association for the scientific study of consciousness. www.assc.caltech.edu
Assn. for Humanistic Psychology, founded by leaders in the “human potential” movement,
to foster self-actualization and the higher reaches of human nature. http://ahpweb.org
Assn. for Transpersonal Psychology, study of spiritual practice & transformation. www.atpweb.org
Australian National University, center for consciousness. http://consciousness.anu.edu.au
Complexity Digest, networking the complexity science community. www.comdig.de
Cultural Creatives, story and insight to a more conscious life. www.culturalcreatives.org
David Chalmers, nature of mind, modalities of consciousness and AI. www.consc.net
Dream Work, Dr. Jeremy Taylor, worked with dreams for over 40 years. His focus: dreams,
myths and the nature of change. www.psychologytoday.com/blog/bloggers/jeremy-taylor
and www.jeremytaylor.com/pages/dreamwork.htm
Dreamgate, resource for dream journals, sharing, cyber-library etc. www.dreamgate.com
Institute for Noetic Sciences, study of the nature and powers of consciousness. www.ions.org
Journal of Consciousness Studies, exploring mind, brain, self, etc. www.imprint.co.uk/jcs.html
Multidisciplinary Assn for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), research and education. www.maps.org
Positive Psychology Center, Univ. of Penn., study of the strengths and virtues enable individuals
and communities to thrive. www.ppc.sas.upenn.edu & www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu
Positive Psychology Program, Claremont Graduate University. www.cgu.edu/positivepsych
Quantum Consciousness, frontier in brain-mind science. www.quantumconsciousness.org
Santa Barbara Institute, advancing the understanding of consciousness. www.sbinstitute.com
Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, society study the mind. www.issseem.org


Creativity & Creative Process

American Creativity Association, promoting a creative society. www.amcreativityassoc.org
The Creative Process, how to enter and use it effectively. www.greenfields.u-net.com
Creative Thinking With, creative techniques and strategies. www.creativethinkingwith.com
Creative Thinking & Problem Solving. http://www.mindtools.com/pages/main/newMN_CT.html
Creative Commons, legal product sharing for public. http://creativecommons.org
Creativity & Flow Experience:
Finding Flow, www.psychologytoday.com/articles/199707/finding-flow
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, by Mihalyi Czikszentmihalyi (1990), book review
of this psychological classic. www.butler-bowdon.com/flow
In the Zone: Enjoyment, Creativity and Elements of “Flow”.
Positive Psychology Resources – the nature of Flow, life meaning and its essential ingredients.
Tips and Traps: Flow Psychology. www.timlebon.com/FlowPsychologyCsikszentmihalyi.html
Solving Procrastination by Applying Flow. www.kevinchiu.org/kevin_chiu_procrastination.pdf
Creativity Web, cr. resources. www.members.optusnet.com.au/charles57/Creative/index2.html
Enchanted Mind, techniques to unfold and expand young creativity. www.enchantedmind.com
Heliotrope, creative inquiry and imaginal learning in schools, agencies, work. www.heliotrope.ca
International Center for Studies in Creativity. www.buffalostate.edu/centers/creativity
M1 Creativity, fresh perspectives and solutions for 21st century business. www.m1creativity.co.uk


Evolution of Consciousness, Culture & Future

2048 Movement, international agreement on five core rights and a sustainable world by 2048, first
proposed 1948: Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Acceleration Studies Foundation, “foresight” research and education. www.accelerating.org
Community of the Future, transitioning, gathering and change. http://communitiesofthefuture.org
Center for Conscious Evolution, improving our ability to collectively evolve. www.evolve.org
Institute for Creative Development, think tank focused on Cultural Maturity and addressing the
core issues of our time. http://web.mac.com/icdhome/iWeb/ICD%20Home/home%20page.html
Dropping Knowledge, public info and cross-cultural dialogue. www.droppingknowledge.org
Evolutionary Nexus, network of evolutionary initiatives. http://evolutionarynexus.org
Edge, fostering deep intellectual inquiry for the betterment of society. www.edge.org
Foundation for the Future, experts discuss the future of humanity. www.futurefoundation.org
Global Mindshift, evolution of consciousness in culture. www.global-mindshift.org
Greater Good, the science of meaningful living, UC Berkeley. http://greatergood.berkeley.edu
Innovation Watch, follows trends emerging now. www.innovationwatch.com/index.html
International Society for Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine. www.issseem.org
John E. Mack Institute, explorng the frontiers of human experience. www.johnemackinstitute.org
New Dimensions, world broadcasting network and wisdom media. www.newdimensions.org
Socionomics, how social mood and trends drive history. www.socionomics.net/films/history
Spiral Dynamics: evolutionary model of unfolding consciousness, culture and human society.
Spiral Dynamics Integral, Don Beck & Ken Wilber. www.spiraldynamics.net
Dr. Clare W. Graves, origins and archives of methodology. www.clarewgraves.com
Center for Human Emergence. www.humanemergence.org and www.wie.org/spiral
TED, ideas worth sharing from experts in Technology, Entertainment and Design. www.ted.com
Templeton Fndn., exploring the Big Questions of purpose and ultimate reality. www.templeton.org
The Global Spiral, exploring humanity’s most profound questions. www.metanexus.net/magazine
The Long Now Foundation, promoting "slower/better" thinking. http://blog.longnow.org
World Future Society, how social and tech developments shape the future. www.wfs.org
Zygon: Journal of Science & Religion, religious and sci. discoveries. www.zygonjournal.org


Integral Studies

Center for Integral Science, defining “Integral” and key teachers/leaders. www.integralscience.org
Integral Institute, integral thinking for new depth, clarity and compassion at every level of human
endeavor with potential for new approaches to local-global problems. www.integralinstitute.org
Integral Naked, avant garde/sexy ideas of inclusive thinking, featured guests, articles, etc.
http://in.integralinstitute.org/naked.aspx & Integral Life. http://integrallife.com/institute
Integral Studies, vision and theory behind the emerging integral culture: integrating deep science,
ecological awareness and practical spirituality. www.uvm.edu/giee/Tom/spirit/Papers.html
Integral World, articles of theories; truth, environment, health etc. www.integralworld.net
Integrated Spirituality, (R)evolutionary spirituality – articles, discussions, events, online and
practice-based communities. www.integrativespirituality.org
Ken Wilber, founding visionary, author and educator. www.kenwilber.com



Assn. for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, EP treatment and relief. www.energypsych.org
Innersource, energy medicine and energy psychology resources. www.innersource.net
Intuition Network, support people to use their inner, intuitive resources. www.intuition.org
Working With Dreams, interview with author Jeremy Taylor. www.intuition.org/txt/taylor.htm
Judith Olaff, blends traditional medicine with intuition psychiatry. www.drjudithorloff.com
Parapsychological Association, study of psi and psychic experiences. www.parapsych.org


Spirituality & Health

Center for Psychological & Spiritual Health, links for psychological health. www.cpsh.org
Global Community for All, sharing love and healing vs. fear. www.inspiringcommunity.org
Esoteric Books, large selection books on esoteric subjects. www.usedesoteric.com
Foundation for Shamanic Studies, knowledge and study of shamanism. www.shamanism.org
Duke Univ. Center For Religion, Spirituality & Health. www.dukespiritualityandhealth.org
The George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health. www.gwish.org
The Gnosis Archive, collection of primary texts and resources. http://gnosis.org
Gurdjieff & The Kesdjan Foundation, practical exercises and articles. http://kesdjan.com
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, spirituality links. www.itp.edu/resources/links
Interfaith Calendar, primary sacred days for world religions. www.interfaithcalendar.org
International Society for Science and Religion, research and education. www.issr.org.uk
John Templeton Foundation, science, religion and human development. www.templeton.org
Templeton - Books of Distinction, science and religion. www.scienceandreligionbooks.org
Multidisciplinary Assn. for Psychedelic Studies, expanded consciousness. www.maps.org
Metanexus Institute on Religion and Science, resource and network. www.metanexus.net
Near Death Experience Research Foundation, source and information. www.nderf.org
PEERS network, non-profit sites promoting love, inspiration, transformation. www.peerservice.org
Web of Love, strengthening the web of love that interconnects us all. www.weboflove.org
Realization, links for meditation, advaita, self-inquiry, spiritual teachings. www.realization.org
Spiritual Competency Resource Ctr, for mental health professionals. www.spiritualcompetency.com
Spiritual Emergence Network, info and referral. www.realization.org/page/doc0/doc0027.html
Web of Creation, ecology resources to transform faith communities. www.webofcreation.org
Univ. of Washington School of Medicine, bioethics. http://depts.washington.edu/bioethx


New Global Culture: Economics, Peace & Justice

Civil Society, Democratic Process & Human Rights

2048 Movement, evolution of human rights with enforceable intl. agreement by 2048, first
proposed 1948: Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Amnesty International, political freedom and human rights for all. www.amnesty.org
ACLU, critics of government infringements on rights of American citizens. www.aclu.org
Know Your Rights: Free Speech & Demonstrations: www.aclunc.org/rightsofdemonstrators
Your Rights & The Police: www.aclunc.org/policerights
Boycotts, consumer/citizen action to stop corporate irresponsibility. www.boycotts.org
Center for Public Integrity, emphasizes "public service journalism". www.publicintegrity.org
Center for Wise Democracy, groups working to solve social issues. www.wisedemocracy.org.
Citizen’s Handbook, guide to building community. www.vcn.bc.ca/citizens-handbook
Citizens for Tax Justice, dedicated to fair US taxation: federal, state and local. www.ctj.org
Community-based resources. www.co-intelligence.org and www.democracyinnovations.org
Open Congress, information to track and act on Congressional bills. www.opencongress.org
Freedom Forum, dedicated to free press and free speach. www.freedomforum.org
Habitat for Humanity, housing/shelter for all as a matter of conscience. www.habitat.org
Liberty Tree, building a new democracy movement for the USA. www.libertytreefdr.org
Move On, media-based activists bringing democracy to politics. www.moveon.org
National Security Archive, facts about the FOIA. www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/nsa/foia/guide.html
Oxfam International, seeking solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice. www.oxfam.org
People Centered Development Forum, living-democracy movement. www.pcdf.org
Students for Sensible Drug Policy, education about drug abuse, the harms caused by the War
on Drugs, and creating sensible policies for a safer, more just future. http://ssdp.org
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, updates on press freedoms. www.rcfp.org


Collective Intelligence & Tools for Social/Cross-Cultural Synergy

America Speaks, engaging citizens in decisions impacting our lives. www.americaspeaks.org
Citizendium, comprehensive wiki/citizen-based public encyclopedia. www.citizendium.org
Co-Intelligence Inst., resources for indiv., group, world wisdom. www.co-intelligence.org
Collective Knowledge Systems. http://tomgruber.org/writing/CollectiveKnowledgeSystems.htm
Congresspedia, a collaborative "citizen's encyclopedia" on Congress. www.opencongress.org
Conversation Café, promote community through conversation. www.conversationcafe.org
Foundation on Economic Trends, Jeremy Rifkin, technology and its impact. www.foet.org
Inst. for Intercultural Studies, Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson. www.interculturalstudies.org
International Center for Technology Assessment, impacts on society. www.icta.org
National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation, tools for interaction. http://thataway.org
Post Carbon Institute, for a resilient, equitable, and sustainable world. www.postcarbon.org
The Long Now Foundation, promoting "slower/better" thinking. http://blog.longnow.org
Wikipedia, online encyclopedia built collaboratively. www.wikipedia.org
Wisdom Circles, self discovery and community building. www.wisdomcircle.org
Wiser Earth, community directory/forum-on key eco-social issues. www.wiserearth.org
World Changing, inspiring change through independent media. http://worldchanging.com
Union of Concerned Scientists, citizens and scientists for a green world. www.ucsusa.org
Yes! magazine supporting people’s active engagement in the world. www.yesmagazine.org


Community Banking - Ethical Currency & Exchange Systems

American Monetary Institute, study of monetary history theory and reform. www.monetary.org
Bernard Lietaer, author, banker and innovator of banking and currency systems. www.lietaer.com
Beyond Money, blog by Tom Greco, author: End of Money & The Future of Civilization. He claims:
the entire system of global finance is bankrupt and must be replaced. http://beyondmoney.net
Committee on Monetary & Economic Reform, understanding economics (not outer space!) is the
“final frontier”. Realizing an equitable economics may well decide our future. www.comer.org
Community currencies and exchange systems for a wiser world. www.transaction.net
Forum for Stable Currencies, usury-free banking as social good. http://forumnews.wordpress.com
Future of Money and Complementary Currencies. www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/8/26/172939/637
The Geonomy Society, land-based economics. www.progress.org/geonomy
Monetary Reform Party (UK) reforming money, taxes and society. www.moneyreformparty.org.uk
Redefining Progress, nature of economics and sustainability tools beyond GDP. www.rprogress.org
Reinventing Money, ideas on monetary and non-monetary exchange. www.reinventingmoney.com
The Tapeworm Economy: how a few insiders centralize political and economic power at the
expense of people and the environment, and destroy real wealth, and what we can do about it
with former Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine A. Fitts. http://solari.com/realdeal.htm
Web of Debt, Ellen Brown, attorney and author: Web of Debt (2008), targets the Federal Reserve
banking cartel, and explores debt and tax relief through public banking. www.webofdebt.com


Election Integrity & Reform

Annenberg Political Fact Check, reduce deception in U.S. politics. www.factcheck.org
Black Box Voting, Bev Harris and researchers in voting fraud. www.blackboxvoting.org
Calif League of Conser. Voters, non-partisan environmental movement. www.ecovote.org
California Voter Foundation, improving the democratic process. www.calvoter.org
Center for Voting & Democracy, Instant Runoff Voting and other projects. www.fairvote.org
New America Foundation, public discourse for changing times. www.newamerica.net
Smart Voter, nonpartisan League of Woman voters. www.smartvoter.org
Voter Financed / Owned Elections, San Francisco & beyond. www.voterownedelections.org
Votergate, film coverage of voting and elections, video online. www.votergate.tv


Global & Community Development: Green Investment & Democratic Governance

Asset-Based Community Development Institute, local assets (institutions, associations, skills
of residents, etc.) as building blocks of sustainable community. www.abcdinstitute.org
BALLE, business alliance for socially responsible businesses. www.livingeconomies.org
Blue Green Alliance, quality jobs in the green economy. www.bluegreenalliance.org
Bretton Woods Project, critical voices on the World Bank, IMF. www.brettonwoodsproject.org
Center for New American Dream, guide to responsible consumption. www.newdream.org
Ceres, investors & public interest groups work with corps for climate change. www.ceres.org
Community-Activist Blog, difference between wealth & money. www.communitycurrency.org
Conscious Capitalism Inst., the world has changed, so must capitalism. www.cc-institute.com/cci
Corporate Watch, investigative research to expose corporate malfeasance. www.corpwatch.org
The Corporation, film exploring the dark side of corporate power. www.thecorporation.com
E F. Schumacher Society, building of strong local economies. www.schumachersociety.org
Ending Corp. Governance, Democracy School: revoking plutocracy. www.ratical.org/corporations
Ethical Markets, PBS program on greener 21st century economies. www.ethicalmarkets.com
FLOW, liberating the entrepreneurial spirit for common good. www.flowidealism.org
Future 500, environmental companies focusing on sustainability. www.future500.org
Global Financial Integrity, Center for International Policy on illicit finances. www.gfip.org
Globescan, public opinion and stakeholder research and strategies. www.globescan.com
Good Guide, health, environmental and social impacts of home products. www.goodguide.com
Grassroots Economic Organizing, newsletter about worker owned businesses. www.geo.coop
Green America, consumers and investors for social change. www.greenamericatoday.org
Green Biz, resources on the greening of mainstream business.  www.greenbiz.com
Green Money, socially responsible business and investment. www.greenmoney.com
Green Pages, “Green” businesses, local and national listings. www.greenpages.org
Global Exchange, global economics, injustice and green alternatives. www.globalexchange.org
Highlander Research and Education Center, economic literacy. www.hrec.org
Intl. Forum on Globalization, education about the downside of global economics. www.ifg.org
Millennium Development Goals, sustainable future: vision-action. www.un.org/en/mdg/summit2010
The Natural Step, education, advisory work & research. www.thenaturalstep.org
Offshore Watch, offshore finance, crime. http://visar.csustan.edu/aaba/jerseypage.html
Peace Through Commerce, entrepreneurial initiative. www.peacethroughcommerce.com
Polaris Inst., retooling citizen movements for democratic social change. www.polarisinstitute.org
Program on Corporations, Law and Dem, rethinking role of corporations. www.poclad.org
People Centered Development Forum, living democracy movement. www.pcdf.org
Responsible Shopper, corporate/consumer responsibility. www.responsibleshopper.org
Social Investment Forum, supporting socially responsible investing. www.socialinvest.org
Social Venture Network, transforming the way the world does business. www.svn.org
The State of Society – Measuring Economic Success & Well Being, groundbreaking report released
(June, 2010) by the Urban Institute, focuses on indicators beyond GDP. www.partnershipway.org
Sweatshops, supporting fair trade and labor. www.sweatshops.org
Tax Justice Network, tax havens and corp. tax evasion cause poverty. www.taxjustice.net
Transnational Institute, impacts of transnational corporations. www.tni.org
World Water Forum, forum raising awareness on issues/solutions. http://watercouncil.org


State Crimes Against Democracy & Social Controversies

State Crimes Against Democracy, from Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips, Project Censored.
9-11 Truth, research and reasons to doubt the official story of Sept. 11. www.911truth.org
Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth. http://cms.ae911truth.org
Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice, scholars researching 9/11 causes and crimes. www.stj911.org
Victim’s families seek 911 truth. www.911citizenswatch.org, www.justicefor911.org
Global Research, news, economics and politics of globalization. www.globalresearch.ca
Illegal covert operations, drug economy and shadow government. www.copvcia.com
Tea Party Movement, socio-political protest driven by libertarian principles of limited government,
liberty and economic freedom. www.teapartypatriots.org http://teapartypatriots.ning.com
Want To Know, verifiable information on major covert crimes. www.WantToKnow.info
War in Iraq, evidence of manipulation of information to initiate the Iraq war.
Best War Ever, coverage of propaganda that led to the Iraq war. www.theBestWarEver.com
Downing Street Memo, recently leaked info about Iraq war. http://downingstreetmemo.com


Violence, War & Peace Studies

Afghanistan Conflict Monitor, daily reports and research about health, governance, rights,
etc. www.afghanconflictmonitor.org Cost of the war. http://tinyurl/afghan-costofwar
Agape Foundation, funding groups supporting nonviolent social change. www.agapefdn.org
Albert Einstein Institution, nonviolent action to reduce world conflicts. www.aeinstein.org
A Force More Powerful, nonviolent conflict for democracy. www.aforcemorepowerful.org
Beyond War, the message: war is obsolete, life is interconnected. www.beyondwar.org
Greater Good, the science of meaningful living, UC Berkeley. http://greatergood.berkeley.edu
Compassionate Listening, skills for peace-building. www.compassionatelistening.org
Cost of War, national priorities project, cost of wars since 2001. http://costofwar.com
Co-Intelligence Institute, the evolution of collaboration. www.co-intelligence.org
Nonviolent Peace Force, citizen peace-force, bearing witness. www.nonviolentpeaceforce.org
Global Citizen Journey, build peace as you bridge cultures. www.globalcitizenjourney.org
International Campaign to Ban Landmines, 1,400 NGOs in 90 countries. www.icbl.org/action
Iraq Veterans Against the War, informing the public, realities of the Iraq war. www.ivaw.org
Winter Soldier: video testimony from veterans in Iraq and Afghan. www.ivaw.org/wintersoldier
Metta Center for Nonviolence Ed., creative alternatives to violence. www.mettacenter.org
Pathways To Peace, an educational peace-building organization. http://pathwaystopeace.org
Peace Heroes, honoring people taking positive action for society. www.peaceheroes.com
Pugwash, reducing threat to humanity by weapons of mass destruction. www.pugwash.org
Project for the New Am. Century, neo-con. view on America. www.newamericancentury.org
Sourcewatch. sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Project_for_the_New_American_Century
Sanderson Beck, world peace, ethics and religion based writer. www.san.beck.org
Nonviolent Actions for Peace-a handbook. http://san.beck.org/NAH1-Nonviolence.html
History of Peace, from ancient sages to suffragettes. http://san.beck.org/PeaceHistory.html
Students for Sensible Drug Policy, education about drug abuse, the harms caused by the War
on Drugs, and creating sensible policies for a safer, more just future. http://ssdp.org
Vision of Humanity & Global Peace Index, peaceful ranking of nations. www.visionofhumanity.org
Voices Education Project, creating peace through story. www.voiceseducation.org
War is a Crime, exposing lies that create and sustain wars and occupation. www.warisacrime.org
Why We Fight, film with powerful online clips to view, www.sonyclassics.com/whywefight


World Poverty & Hunger

Bread for the World, lobbies for world leaders to end hunger. www.bread.org
Feeding America, program that solicits and distributes surplus food www.secondharvest.org
Free Rice, free education online, provides rice to hungry people for free. www.freerice.com
Freedom From Hunger, innovative self-help solutions. www.freedomfromhunger.org
Hunger Notes, world hunger education service informing the public. www.worldhunger.org
Stop Hunger Now, coordinates distribution of food, life-saving aid.lwww.stophungernow.org
Tax Justice Network, tax havens and corp. tax evasion cause poverty. www.taxjustice.net
War on Want, global poverty, tax dodging. www.waronwant.org
World Changing, inspiring change through independent media. http://worldchanging.com
World Hunger Year, supports community self-reliance. www.worldhungeryear.org
World Poverty Concern, blog, links to articles on poverty. http://poverty.worldconcern.org

Related Links, also see:
(1) Communication, Conflict & Collaboration; (2) Green Living & Eco-Design; (3) Media & Culture; (4) Living Systems, Complexity & Holistic Wisdom; (5) Consciousness Studies, Creativity, Evolution of Consciousness, Culture & Future, Integral Studies, and Spirituality & Health

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