Holistic Health Learning Center

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Holistic Health

Learning Center

Integrating Self, Culture & Nature

Diseases, Treatments & Prevention

Biomedical & Public Health Information - Reference

Centers for Disease Control (CDC). http://cdc.gov
Center Watch Clinical Trials Listing Service. www.centerwatch.com
National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, disease and injury prevention research.
The Cochrane Collaboration, health care research trials. www.cochrane.org
Dr. Koop, medical and health questions. www.drkoop.com
Human Anatomy Learning Web Site (Dartmouth). www.dartmouth.edu/~anatomy
National Library of Medicine – Medlineplus. www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus and
Medical (continuing ed) info for physicians and health professionals. www.medinfosource.com
Merck Manuals, online publications for diagnosis and therapy. www.merck.com/pubs
National Organization for Rare Disorders, database on over 1150 diseases and over 2,000
patient organisations. http://nord-rdb.com/search/rdblist.html
The Prevention Institute, linking public health, education, urban planning and social work
for healthy/whole communities, youth development and more. www.preventioninstitute.org
PubMed, major search system of National Library of Medicine and Nat’l Institutes of Health.
Web MD, online medical information. www.webmd.com

-Related Links, also see:
(1) Holistic Health Overview: Complementary, Alternative & Integrative Medicine - Info Search;
(2) Specific Diseases, Treatments & Prevention; (3) Alternative Therapies; (4) Consumer
Issues: Health Care System; (5) Healthy Living


Health Promotion/Disease Prevention – General Reference

American Holistic Health Association, resources for health promotion and healing. http://ahha.org
American Journal of Health Promotion, changing your lifestyle to move toward a state
of optimal health. www.healthpromotionjournal.com
Patient UK, wellness and medical information from England. www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/16
Strategic Alliance, a public health approach to health, connecting lifestyle options with government,
industry, health care, media and neighborhoods. www.preventioninstitute.org/sa/resources.html
Vanderbilt University's Wellness Resource Center. www.vanderbilt.edu/wellnesscenter
Wellness Inventory, whole person assessment program. www.wellnessinventory.net
World Health Organization, promoting world health. www.who.int/topics/health_promotion/en


Medications & Pharmacological Treatments - Reference

American Association of Poison Control Centers. www.aapcc.org/index.htm
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, info on specific drugs and public ed. www.fda.gov/cder
Elephant Pharmacy, conventional and complementary care. www.elephantpharmacy.com
Med Watch, FDA safety information. www.fda.gov/medwatch
Pill Store, online consultation and pharmacy. www.planetpillstore.com
Pharmaca, integrative pharmacy. www.pharmaca.com
Pharm Web, patient information on the use of drugs/medicines. www.pharmweb.net
Rx Drug List, internet drug index and prescription information. www.rxlist.com
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), home page. www.fda.gov
Worst Pills, information for safe use of medications and alternatives. www.worstpills.org


Specific Diseases & Conditions - Treatments & Prevention

Addiction & Recovery

Addiction and Recovery News, research, trends and commentary. www.dawnfarm.org/blog.html
Addictions and Recovery, relapse prevention, coping skills, etc. www.addictionsandrecovery.org
Addiction Recovery Guide, treatment options; holistic approaches. www.addictionrecoveryguide.org
Chronic Syndrome Support Assn, Inc., syndromes. www.cssa-inc.org/Articles/CFS_names.htm
Spirit of Recovery, addiction and short guide to recovery. http://spiritofrecovery.com/addictions.html


Aids & HIV

Aegis, AIDS education, medical research and global Information systems. www.aegis.com
Alive and Well, AIDS ed, exploring non-toxic, immune enhancing therapies. www.aliveandwell.org
Alternative Med Homepage, resources on unorthodox therapies. www.pitt.edu/~cbw/altm.html
Rethingking AIDS, scientific reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS hypothesis. www.rethinkingaids.com
Virus Myth, discussion about and reevaluation of HIV=AIDS theory. www.virusmyth.com


Aging & Elder Years

Healthy Aging, promoting awareness of positive aspects of aging. www.healthyaging.net
Holistic Aging, aging well w/ healing arts. www.livingoveraging.com/sys-tmpl/door
Hospice Care, full service support at home or a facility. www.helpguide.org/elder/hospice_care.htm
Slow/Reverse Aging, mental supports. www.the-bright-side.org/site/thebrightside/section/754
World Health Org, the world is aging fast,are we/you ready?. www.who.int/ageing/en


Cancer (Conventional and Complementary Treatments)

American Cancer Society. www.cancer.org
American Inst. for Cancer Research, research on diet and cancer prevention. www.aicr.org
Anti-Cancer – A New Way of Life, author, physician: David Servan-Schreiber. www.instincttoheal.org
Breast Cancer Action, grassroots education and advocacy. www.bcaction.org
Cancer Cure Foundation, non-drug resources for dealing with Cancer. www.cancure.org
Cancer page, cancer information and community. www.cancerpage.com
Cancer Treatment Centers, integrating conventional and alt. treatments. www.CancerCenter.com
Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic, free Chin Med for women. www.charlottemaxwell.org
Coalition of National Cancer Cooperative Groups. www.cancertrialshelp.org
Commonweal, retreats for cancer patients and eco-health activism. www.commonweal.org
European cancer therapies and alternatives. video: Cancer Conquest. www.burtongoldberg.com
Geffen Visions International, Dr. Jeremy Geffen combines best of conventional and complementary
approaches to healing cancer in his Seven Levels of Healing program. www.geffenvisions.com
Greet The Day, Massage and Bodywork for people with cancer. www.greettheday.com
Immune Recovery Clinic, conventional and complementary medicine. www.immunerecovery.net
Medical Center of Cologne, Germany (R. Gorter, MD). www.cologne-model.com
Preventive Medicine Research Institute, lifestyle and cancer. www.pmri.org
Prostate Cancer Foundation, biomedical cancer research and ed. www.prostatecancerfoundation.org
National Prostate Cancer Coalition, education and advocacy. www.fightprostatecancer.org
Us TOO International, prostate cancer education and support network. www.ustoo.org
Why We are Losing the War on Cancer. http://blog.aperio.com/articles/Fortune_Cancer.pdf
Women's Cancer Resource Center (Oakland), integrative health services for women. www.wcrc.org

- Also see: (1) Holistic Health Overview: Complementary & Alternative Medicine – Research & Information Search; (2) Integrative Medicine – Doctors & Medical Centers; (3) Alternative Therapies: Herbology and Plant Medicine & others; (4) Environmental Hazards & Green Living.


Cardiovascular Health & Disease

American Heart Association. www.americanheart.org
British Heart Foundation. www.bhf.org.uk
The Cardiovascular Cure (Book), diet, NO & CHD by John Cooke, MD, Director, Stanford Med.
School’s vascular unit. www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780767908825
External Counterpulsation Treatment. http://cardiology.ucsf.edu/clinical/eecp
MedlinePlus. www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/heartdiseases.html
Natl. Inst. of Neurological Disorders and Strokes. www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/disorder_index.htm
Preventive Medicine Research Institute, lifestyle and heart disease. www.pmri.org
Track Your Plaque, using heart scans and the latest medical and natural treatments for
heart attack prevention. www.trackyourplaque.com
Women & Heart Disease, prevention and treatment. www.womenheart.org

Heart Disease, Inflammation and popular self-treatments:
Google Scholar: Inflammation. http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=inflammation
Inflammation & diet: The Inflation Syndrome. www.heartspring.net/healthy_heart_diet.html
Markers of Inflammation & Heart Disease. http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/107/3/499
Your Own Health & Fitness, Heart Health. www.yourownhealthandfitness.org/Topics/topicsHeart.php


Continence & Urological Health

American Urological Association, patient education, research and advocacy. www.auafoundation.org
InContiNet, treating urinary or fecal incontinence, pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction using
biofeedback and complementary therapies. www.incontinet.com/home.htm
Kidney and Urolology Foundation of America. (New York, NY). www.kidneyurology.org
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. www.niddk.nih.gov
Simon Foundation for Continence, non-profit org offering support to the millions of Americans
who lose bladder and bowel control. www.simonfoundation.org


Digestive Health & Disease

American Liver Foundation. www.liverfoundation.org
Ciliac Disease Foundation. www.celiac.org
Celiac Sprue Association. www.csaceliacs.org
Digestive Disease National Coalition. www.ddnc.org
Digestive Diseases Research Center, Center for Ulcer Research & Ed. www.cure.med.ucla.edu
Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network. www.foodallergy.org
Gluten Intolerance Group of North America. www.gluten.net
Hepitis Foundation International. www.hepfi.org
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders. www.iffgd.org
National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov
United Ostomy Association. www.uoa.org

-Related Links, also see:
(1) Alternative Therapies: Herbology & Plant Medicine; (2) Food, Nutrition & Detoxification.


Mental-Emotional Health

Emotional Health

Emotional Intelligence Consortium, research on EI in organizations. www.eiconsortium.org
Emotional Intelligence, John Mayer, U of New Hampshire. www.unh.edu/emotional_intelligence
Emotional Intelligence Test, Mayer, Salovey, Caruso. www.emotionaliq.org
Energy Anonymous, 12 step network for emotional recovery. www.emotionsanonymous.org
Go Ask Alice, Q & A’s about emotional health issues. www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/Cat4.html
Info. about social and emotional programs for school systems. www.ei-schools.org
Mind & Life Institute, dialogue between science and Buddhist wisdom tradition. www.mindandlife.org
Mental and emotional health, resources. www.helpguide.org/mental_emotional_health.htm
Wholesome /balanced living: mental-emotional, physical & spiritual. http://wholesomebalance.com


Happiness Studies / Positive Psychology

The Art of Happiness. www.theartofhappiness.com
Authentic Happiness, using the new Positive Psychology. www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu
Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom. www.happinesshypothesis.com
How to Be Happy, free online, e-book. www.howtobehappy.org/happybook.pdf
Journal of Happiness Studies. www.springerlink.com/content/104910
Scientists Meditate on Happiness. www.wired.com/culture/lifestyle/news/2003/09/60452
MRI studies on happiness. Happiest Man in the World? www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/the-happiest-man-in-the-world-433063.html
The Science of Happiness, BBC series (April 30, 2006).
What Makes Us Happy? For 72 years, Harvard researchers have been asking this, in one of the
most comprehensive longitudinal studies in history. www.theatlantic.com/doc/200906/happiness


Mental Health & Illness

Mental Health Online, Self Diagnosis. www.mentalhealth.com/p71.html
Spiritual Emergency Resource Center. www.internetguides.com/se/resources/senciis.html
Sacred Transformation, personal stories of spiritual emergence. www.well.com/user/bobby/index.html
Systems View of Mental Health & Illness. www.mentalhealthandillness.com


Mental Disorders – Diagnosis & Treatment

Internet Mental Health, diagnosis. www.mentalhealth.com
Mental disorders and treatments. www.planetpsych.com/zTreatment/treatments_psych_101.htm
Mental Health Matters, self-help and resources. www.mental-health-matters.com


Mental Health – Medications

American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology. www.ascpp.org
Medications and mental health. www.mentalhealth.com/fr30.html
MedLine Plus, drug information. www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginformation.html


Mental Health – Self-Help Resources

Mental Health America. www.nmha.org/go/get-info
Mental and emotional health, resources. www.helpguide.org/mental_emotional_health.htm
Mind & Life Institute, dialogue between science and Buddhist wisdom tradition. www.mindandlife.org
PlanetPsych.Net, online resources for mental health information. www.planetpsych.com
Psychology Today, psychological research and commentary. www.psychologytoday.com
Psych Central, psychological and mental health resources. www.psychcentral.com
Self-Help Group Sourcebook Online, clearinghouse for mental health. www.mentalhelp.net/selfhelp


Mental Health Resources – Research Articles, Readings, etc.

American Psychological Association (APA). www.apa.org
National Institute of Mental Health. www.nimh.nih.gov
National Library of Medicine. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
National Mental Health Information Center. www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov
Medline sites (ranked, peer reviewed, updated site). www.medmatrix.org
PsycINFO, search for psychological research/information. www.apa.org/psycinfo


Men’s Health

Circumcision - Circumcision Information and Resource Pages. www.cirp.org/cirp
National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers. www.nocirc.org
The Male Health Center, medical center focused on male health issues. www.malehealthcenter.com
Men’s Health Center, Mayo Clinic. www.mayoclinic.com/health/mens-health/MC99999
Male Depression, symptoms, treatment. www.mayoclinic.com/health/male-depression/MC00041
Men's Health Network, non-profit education organization. www.menshealthnetwork.org
Medline, Men’s Health Issues. www.medlineplus.gov
MotherNature.Com, natural remedies and treatment information. www.mothernature.com/library
Prostate Health, information, health treatments and lifestyle suggestions:
Nutrition and specific supports for the prostate. www.doctoryourself.com/prostate.html
Prostate Health Guide, info about the prostate and health issues. www.prostatehealthguide.com
Prostate massage, improve urological disorders and improve sexual health. www.highisland.com
Prostatitis Foundation, info about prostatitis (prostate infection). www.prostatitis.org
Web MD, resources for men’s health issues. http://men.webmd.com/default.htm


Women’s Health

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. www.acog.com
Medline, Women’s Health Issues. www.medlineplus.gov
Mother Nature.Com, natural remedies and treatment info. www.mothernature.com/library
National Women’s Health Information Center. www.4woman.gov
National Women's Health Resource Center. www.healthywomen.org
Society for Women’s Health Research, non-profit org seeking to improve the health of all
women through research, education and advocacy. www.womenshealthresearch.org
Women’s Health Journal Watch, brief clinician-authored perspectives on the latest research,
guidelines, and issues critical to women's health. http://womens-health.jwatch.org
Woman’s Intl. Pharmacy, natural hormone therapy and others. www.womensinternational.com
Web MD, resources for women’s health issues. http://women.webmd.com/default.htm

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