
SFSU Cooperative Education Program Eligibility Requirements 

Class Standing
You must be a junior, senior, or graduate level student. (Exceptions are given to students in the Walt Disney World College Program).

Student must be enrolled at SFSU at least one semester before Co-op placement. Waivers to this rule will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 

A major is required to participate in the program
Sorry, but our program is not available to unclassified students.

GPA requirements
Undergraduates must possess a minimum GPA of 2.5.
Graduate Students must possess a minimum GPA of 3.0.

Completed Second Year English Composition (ENGL 214 or equivalent).
Completed a course in Oral Communications (SPCH 150 or equivalent). 

Course Requirement
Once you accept a job placement, you will be required to enroll in at least 1 unit of SCI/AU 693 or SCI/AU 793.

Employment Status
You must also be eligible to legally work in the US.