Critical Social Thought

College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Dean: Joel Kassiola

Critical Social Thought Program
HSS 382
Director: Richard Busacca


Professors--Heather, Stolz

Associate Professors--Busacca, Caulfield, Rivera


Minor in Critical Social Thought

Program Scope

Critical Social Thought is an intellectual tradition which takes a critical posture toward both society and the very act of thinking about society. It is holistic and consciously self-critical. It emerges from society in order to criticize that society, and in the process, is itself transformed. This critical tradition began with the philosophical critiques of Kant, Hegel, and Marx. In the twentieth century, it has been further developed by various colleges such as critical structuralism, existentialism, feminism, Frankfurt critical theory, etc., and by various thinkers such as Arendt, Lukacs, Gramsci, Habermas, Sweezy, Baran, Braverman, etc.

The Critical Social Thought Minor seeks to acquaint the student with both the theoretical development of critical social thought and its practical, analytical application in different social, historical settings.


Each student shall, in consultation with a faculty adviser, develop an individual program of 21 to 24 units around a coherent theme and/or methodology.

Courses for this program are listed in alphabetical sequence (consult Index for page reference).


Introduction--comprehension of the tradition 
of Critical Social Thought, required of all
CST 300	Introduction to Critical Social 
Thought 3
Theoretical Core--courses concerned with the 
theoretical development of critical social
thought; depending on student qualifica-
tion, each person shall elect six to nine
units from this segment; courses elected
here must be thematically integrated with
those elected from the Analytical Core.
Courses which might fulfill this require-
ment upon adviser approval include the
following 6-9
HIST 312	Capitalist Hegemony and Third 
World Resistance
HIST 348	European Intellectual History II
PLSI 351	Political Theory: The Classical 
Tradition (4)
WOMS530	Women Studies and Social 
Analytical Core--courses concerned with the 
practical application of critical social
thought in different social, historical
settings; each student shall elect nine
units from this segment; courses elected
must be thematically integrated with those
elected from the Theoretical Core. Courses approved for this core vary from semester
to semester. Program advisers have lists of
currently approved courses. Students must
consult an adviser before selecting courses
for these requirements. Approval of an
adviser is mandatory. 9
CST 680	Integrative Seminar in Critical 
	Social Thought		3
Minimum total		21-24