Criminal Justice

College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Dean: Joel Kassiola

Criminal Justice Program
HSS 336
Director: John Curtin


Professors--Curtin, Graham, Syfers


Minor in Criminal Justice

Program Scope

The Criminal Justice Minor emphasizes the practitioner approach in the context of critical perspectives and analyses of the social sciences. Students in the program will develop familiarity with the field and its history, as well as refine their analytical skills of critical thinking, scientific inquiry, data gathering and written expression. The program is designed to facilitate communication across disciplines and between those within and without the criminal justice system. The faculty have extensive legal, scholarly, and practical experience in the field. Field study arrangements have been made with local criminal justice agencies. The minor can be taken in conjunction with any major but students majoring in closely related disciplines may use some courses for both the major and minor.


Courses for this program are listed in alphabetical sequence (consult Index for page reference).



CJ 300	Criminal Justice: A Cross-Discipli-
nary Perspective 4

Substantive Core

One course from each of the following three 
sets on advisement, with courses in at
least two disciplines:
Criminology		4
CJ 450	Jails and Prisons (4)
SOC 362	Deviant Behavior (4)
SOC 451	Criminological Theory (4)
Legal Studies		3-4
CJ 500	Criminal Law (4)
PHIL 380	Philosophy of Law
PHIL 335	Law and Society
PLSI 552	Individual Rights in the Consti-
tution (4)
PLSI 561	Jurisprudence (4)
SOC 457	Sociology of Law (4)
SOC 459	Criminal Law and Social Process (4)
Administration of Justice		4
CJ 400	Police and Public Policy (4)
SOC 455	Punishment and Social Control (4)


One or more related course(s), chosen on the 
basis of individual interests with adviser
approval 3-4

Culminating Seminar and Field Activity

CJ 680	Field Course in Criminal Justice		4
Total		22-24