Bulletin--Faculty M


MICHAEL D. MacCOLL (1989), Associate Professor of Management; B.Sc. (1974), M.P.A. (1978), University of Victoria; Ph.D. (1992), University of Toronto.

MARGARET A. MacDONALD (1990), Associate Professor of Nursing; B.S. (1976), Madonna College; M.S. (1978), University of Detroit; advanced study, University of San Francisco.

BRUCE A. MACHER (1987), Professor of Chemistry; B.S. (1971), Ph.D. (1976), University of California, Riverside.

SANDRA J. MACKAY (1987), Professor of Nursing; B.S.N. (1959), Cornell University; M.A. (1962), Columbia University; A.M. (1972), Dartmouth; Ph.D. (1979), Boston University.

RUTH MAHANEY (1981), Lecturer in Women Studies; B.A. (1966), M.A. (1970), Indiana University.

LYNBARBRA MAHLER (1983), Professor of Theatre Arts; B.S. (1966), New York University; M.A. (1968), Ph.D. (1973), University of Wisconsin, Madison.

SUSAN MALLET (1982), Lecturer in English; B.A. (1976), University of California, Berkeley.

AUG C. MALONGA (1977), Lecturer in Black Studies; B.A. (1967), Lycée Victor Augageneur.

YORK T. MANDRA (1950), Professor of Geology; B.A. (1948), M.A. (1949), University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D. (1958), Stanford University; post-doctoral fellow, University of Glasgow, Universite d'Aix-Marseille.

RICHARD MANNINI (1992), Athletic Coach and Lecturer in Kinesiology; B.S. (1959); M.A. (1960), California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.

MARCIA C. MANDERSCHEID (1976), Extension Director, Continuing Education and the Downtown Center; B.A. (1968), M.A. (1981), San Francisco State University.

MARIA M. MANGOLD (1968), Career Counselor, Career Center; B.A. (1972), M.A. (1974), San Francisco State University.

SALLY MANGOLD (1977), Professor of Special Education; B.A. (1956), San Francisco State University; Ph.D. (1976), University of California, Berkeley/San Francisco State University.

RICHARD G. MANN (1991), Associate Professor of Art; B.A. (1972), Kalamazoo College; M.A. (1974), University of Minnesota; Ph.D. (1982), New York University.

GERRY E. MANNING (1966), Associate Dean, College of Business and Professor of Computer Information Systems; B.A. (1962), M.A. (1966), San Francisco State University; Ed.D. (1972), University of California, Berkeley.

SURENDRA K. MANSINGHKA (1975), Department Chair and Professor of Finance; B.Com. (1963), University of Calcutta; M.S. (1968), Ph.D. (1971), University of California, Los Angeles; Post Graduate Diploma in Management, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (1966).

JOSEPH MANZANO (1987) Lecturer in Kinesiology; B.A. (1981), M.A. (1990), San Francisco State University.

DONALD W. MAR (1987), Associate Professor of Economics; B.A. (1977), Antioch College; M.A. (1980), Ph.D. (1985), University of California, Berkeley.

ROBERT G. MARCUCCI (1983), Professor of Mathematics; B.A. (1970), University of California, Los Angeles; M.A. (1974), San Francisco State University; Ph.D. (1980), University of Iowa.

GEOFFREY W. MARCY (1984), Professor of Physics; B.S. (1976), University of California, Los Angeles; M.A. (1978), Ph.D. (1982), University of California, Santa Cruz.

HAL MARKOWITZ (1980), Professor of Biology; B.A. (1959), M.A. (1960), California State University, Long Beach; Ph.D. (1968), Arizona State University.

HERMINE MARSHALL (1987), Professor of Elementary Education; B.A. (1957), Wellesley; M.S. (1959), Bank Street College of Education; Ph.D. (1967), University of California, Berkeley.

JULIA N. MARSHALL (1988), Lecturer in Art; B.A. (1969), George Washington University; M.F.A. (1973), University of Wisconsin.

KENNETH MARSHALL (1991), Athletic Coach; B.S. (1973), Indiana State University; M.S. (1983), University of Dayton.

ANDRÉ A. MARTIN (1967), Professor of Foreign Languages; B.A. (1954), M.A. (1955), Midwestern University; M.A. (1956), Laval University (Quebec); advanced study, University of California, Berkeley; doctoral equivalency (1975).

MICHAEL MARTIN (1989), Lecturer in English; B.A. (1977), University of Michigan; M.A. (1988), San Francisco State University.

JAMES MATHESON (1976), Lecturer in Music; B.A. (1957), San Francisco State University.

HOLLIS N. MATSON (1980), Lecturer in Health Education; B.S. (1963), M.S. (1967), Mankato State University.

DAVID MATSUMOTO (1989), Associate Professor of Psychology; B.A. (1981), University of Michigan; M.A. (1983), Ph.D. (1986), University of California, Berkeley.

RALPH MATTEOLI (1970), Associate Professor of Nursing; B.S. (1962), M.S. (1964), University of California, San Francisco; Ed.D. (1989), University of San Francisco.

RONALD W. MAYER (1963), Professor of Psychology; B.A. (1951), Ohio Wesleyan University; M.A. (1952), Ph.D. (1959), The Ohio State University.

FRANCES MAYES (1976), Department Chair and Professor of Creative Writing; B.A. (1962), University of Florida; M.A. (1975), San Francisco State University.

WILLIAM E. McALPINE (1977), Lecturer in Finance; A.B. (1965), Amherst College; Ph.D. (1973), University of Pennsylvania.

MAGGIE McBRIDE (1990), Associate Professor of Secondary Education; B.S. (1976), Eastern Montana College; M.S. (1983), Montana State University; Ph.D. (1989), University of Oregon.

KATHLEEN McCARNEY (1979), Lecturer in Consumer and Family Studies; B.A. (1975), M.A. (1977), San Francisco State University.

JEANNETTE McCLENDON (1983), Outreach Specialist, Student Outreach Services; B.S. (1983), San Jose State University; M.S. (1988), San Diego State University.

NORMA McCOY (1963), Professor of Psychology; B.A. (1956), Stanford University; M.A. (1960), Ph.D. (1963), University of Minnesota.

NANCY G. McDERMID (1965), Dean, College of Humanities; Professor of Speech and Communication Studies; B.S. (1950), M.A. (1951), Northwestern University; J.D. (1960), University of Chicago.

DuBOIS PHILLIP McGEE (1976), Dean, College of Ethnic Studies and Professor of Black Studies; B.A. (1964), California State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D. (1970), Iowa State University of Science and Technology.

SANDRA L. McKAY (1978), Professor of English; B.S. (1967), M.A. (1969), Ph.D. (1971), University of Minnesota; post-doctoral study, Georgetown University and Stanford University.

MIDORI YAMAMOTO McKEON (1990), Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages; B.A. (1972), University of Tokyo; M.A. (1978), advanced study, University of California, Berkeley.

BARBARA K. McLAUCHLIN (1985), Department Chair and Associate Professor of Classics and World and Comparative Literature; B.A. (1973), San Francisco State University; M.A. (1978), Ph.D. (1985), University of California, Berkeley.

FRANK E. McLAUGHLIN (1981), Professor of Nursing; B.S. (1959), Adelphi University; M.A. (1961), New York University; Ph.D. (1968) University of California, Berkeley.

RICHARD McLEAN (1963), Professor of Art; B.F.A. (1958), California College of Arts and Crafts; M.F.A. (1962), Mills College.

ELOISE McQUOWN (1984), Librarian; B.A. (1965), University of Utah; M.L.S. (1968), Rutgers University; M.S. (1976), University of Utah.

JOHN G. McWILLIAMS (1976), Professor of Accounting; B.S. (1969), Ohio State University; J.D. (1972), Duke Law School; C.P.A. (1974).

LLOYD MEADOW (1962), Professor of Counseling; B.A., M.A. (1949), University of Chicago; Ph.D. (1961), Wayne State University.

LAWRENCE D. MEDCALF (1981), Professor of Speech and Communication Studies; B.A. (1974), M.A. (1975), California State University, Hayward; Ph.D. (1978), Indiana University.

BETTY L. MEDSGER (1982), Department Chair and Professor of Journalism; B.A. (1964), Grove City College.

HANS-JOACHIM MEIHOEFER (1968), Department Chair and Professor of Geography and Human Environmental Studies; B.A. (1961), M.A. (1962), Wayne State University; Ph.D. (1968), University of Washington.

ARTHUR MEJIA, JR. (1965), Professor of History; B.A. (1956), LL.B. (1959), Ph.D. (1968), Stanford University.

PAUL MENDEZ (1986), EOP Advising Co-Coordinator and Summer Bridge Program; B.A. (1978), San Francisco State University.

DAVID B. MEREDITH (1972), Professor of Mathematics; B.S. (1964), Stanford University; Ph.D. (1969), Brandeis University.

LEONARD MESHOVER (1963), Associate Dean, College of Education and Professor of Elementary Education; B.S. (1950), State University of New York, New Paltz; M.A. (1955), Ed.D. (1961), Teachers College, Columbia University.

JOSEPH MESSINA (1977), Professor of Finance; B.S. (1963), M.S. (1965), Purdue University; M.B.A. (1971), University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D., (1979), University of California, Berkeley.

FRANCY METZGER (1991), Transfer Outreach Specialist, Student Outreach Services; B.A. (1986), University of California, Irvine; advanced study, San Francisco State University.

LOIS MARILYN MEYER (1989), Associate Professor of Elementary Education; B.A. (1971), Kalamazoo College; M.Ed. (1976), Loyola University of Chicago; advanced study, University of California, Los Angeles.

WILLIAM J. MICHAELIS (1979), Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies; B.S.Ed. (1968), State University of New York, Cortland; M.A. (1969), Ph.D. (1980), University of California, Berkeley.

EUGENE R. MICHAELS (1973), Chair, Department of Instructional Technologies and Professor of Instructional Technology; B.A. (1966), M.A. (1968), Ph.D. (1976), Indiana University.

ROBERT S. MICHALSKE (1975), Librarian; B.S. (1958), University of San Francisco; M.S.L.S. (1963), University of Southern California.

JONATHAN MIDDLEBROOK (1969), Professor of English; B.A. (1961), Harvard College; M.A. (1963), Ph.D. (1965), Yale University.

RAYMOND C. MILLER (1962), Professor of International Relations and Social Science; B.A. (1955), University of Denver; M.A. (1958), University of Chicago; Ph.D. (1966), Syracuse University.

JAN L. MILLSAPPS (1987), Associate Professor of Film; B.A. (1972), University of North Carolina, Charlotte; M.A. (1977), Winthrop College; advanced study, University of South Carolina.

TRINH T. MINH-HA (1985), Associate Professor of Film; B.A. (1972), Wilmington College; M.A. (1973), M.Mus. (1976), Ph.D. (1977), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

TOSHIKO MISHIMA (1966), Professor of Foreign Languages; B.A. (1955), Aoyama Gakuin University; M.A. (1959), University of Florida; Ph.D. (1966), Georgetown University.

FRANCIS X. MOAKLEY (1964), Director, Audio-Visual/Instructional Television Center; Professor; B.S. (1955), M.Ed. (1958), Boston State College; M.S.Ed. (1964), Ed.D. (1968), Indiana University; post-doctoral study, Boston University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

MICHAEL R. MOCCIOLA (1982), Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences; B.A. (1963), Montclair State; M.A. (1969), Ed.D. (1975), Columbia University.

DIANE R. MOLBERG (1983), Lecturer in Business Analysis and Computing Systems; B.A. (1974), M.A. (1978), San Francisco State University.

SWARNALATHA MOLDANADO (1988), Professor of Nursing; B.S. (1965), Osmania University; M.N. (1970), University of Delhi; M.P.H. (1975), University of North Carolina; Ph.D. (1982), University of Illinois.

KENNETH MONTEIRO (1987), Professor of Psychology; B.A. (1976), Dartmouth College; Ph.D. (1982), Stanford University.

JOHN P. MONTEVERDI (1978), Department Chair, Geosciences and Professor of Meteorology; B.A. (1968), M.A. (1970), Ph.D. (1977), University of California, Berkeley.

ROSA MONTOYA (1986), Lecturer in Dance; Escuela Bolera; Circulo de Bellas Artes; private study of Flamenco and classical dance with la Quica, Regla Ortega, Antonio Marin, Maria Ibar, and Victoria Piter.

ERIC J. MOON (1980), Lecturer in Finance; B.A. (1972), M.B.A. (1979), California State University, Hayward.

HUGO MOORTGAT (1986), Associate Professor of Business Analysis and Computing Systems; B.S. (1962), M.S. (1966), University of Ghent; M.B.A. (1972), Ph.D. (1979), University of Washington.

REMO MORELLI (1971), Professor of Biology; B.A. (1966), M.A. (1970), San Francisco State University; Ph.D. (1971), Stanford University.

INARA MORGENSTERN (1975), Lecturer in Music; B.M. (1967) M.A. (1969), San Francisco State University.

DENNIS MORI (1986), Lecturer in Accounting; B.S. (1968), University of San Francisco; M.A. (1970), San Francisco State University; advanced study, Washington State University.

MASATOSHI MORITA (1983), Lecturer in Kinesiology; B.A. (1970), Josai University (Japan).

KEITH MORRISON (1994), Dean, College of Creative Arts and Professor of Art; B.F.A. (1963), M.F.A. (1965), Art Institute of Chicago.

AGNES MORTON (1982), Lecturer in Black Studies; B.S. (1960), Florida A & M University; M.S. (1971), University of California, San Francisco; M.P.H. (1980), University of California, Berkeley.

JOANNA MOSS (1981), Professor of Economics; B.A. (1969), San Francisco State University; M.A. (1971), Ph.D. (1978), New School for Social Research.

LYN MOTAI (1987), Lecturer in English; B.A. (1971), University of California, Berkeley; M.A. (1987), San Francisco State University.

THABITI MTAMBUZI (1987), Lecturer in Black Studies; B.A. (1979), San Francisco State University; B.A. (1982), St. Mary's College; M.P.A. (1987), University of San Francisco.

WILLIE MULLINS (1978), Counselor, Counseling and Psychological Services; B.S. (1970), M.S. (1973), Ed.S. (1974), Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville.

M. BRIAN MURPHY (1988), Director of External Affairs and Associate Professor of Political Science; B.A. (1967), Williams College; M.A. (1968), Ph.D. (1976), University of California, Berkeley.

JAMES F. MURPHY (1986), Department Chair and Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies; B.A. (1966), San Francisco State University; M.S. (1967), Indiana University; Ph.D. (1972), Oregon State University.

MARGUERITE C. MURPHY (1985), Associate Professor of Computer Science; B.S. (1980), M.S. (1982), Ph.D. (1985), University of California, Berkeley.

DAVID A. MUSTART (1972), Professor of Geology; B.S. (1965), University of British Columbia; Ph.D. (1972), Stanford University.

ROBERT MUTTI (1982), Lecturer in Philosophy; B.A. (1969), University of California, Santa Barbara; M.A. (1979), San Francisco State University.

Bulletin 1994-96 Table of Contents, SFSU Home Page

last modified July 31, 1995