
College of Science and Engineering
Dean: Sheldon Axler

School of Engineering
SCI 163
Director: ShyShenq Liou

Graduate Coordinator: WenShen Pong


Professors—Abo-El-Ata, D'Orazio, Franco, Ganji, Holton, Hu, Krishnan, Liou, Owen, Shahnasser, Sinha, Tarakji, Wheeler

Associate Professors—Enssani, Pong

Assistant Professors—Cheng, Cooklev, Holden


B.S. in Civil Engineering
B.S. in Computer Engineering
B.S. in Electrical Engineering
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Minor in Engineering
M.S. in Engineering

Mission and Goals

The mission of the School of Engineering is to educate students from a diverse and multicultural population to become productive members of the engineering profession and society at large. The following four educational objectives stem from this mission: (1) graduates from the engineering programs will have the analytical and technical abilities necessary to work in the profession of engineering; (2) graduates from the engineering programs will be prepared for their field of specialty and will be informed of recent technical advances in their field; (3) graduates from the engineering programs will be cognizant of societal issues and their role as future professional engineers working for the general benefit of society; (4) the School of Engineering will provide a culture that supports students in their academic and professional development, and will continue development of existing and new programs.

Program Scope

The School of Engineering offers four Bachelor of Science programs in Civil, Computer, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering. A Minor in Engineering is also available. Descriptions of the four major programs and minor program follow this general introduction.

Civil engineering is concerned with the building of civil and environmental facilities, which are essential for the commerce of our society. Civil engineers design and construct bridges, buildings, wastewater treatment plants, water supply facilities, hazardous waste facilities, and transportation systems. The program at San Francisco State University provides a broad and practical education which prepares students for civil engineering employment and (for those who qualify) for graduate studies.

Computer engineering combines electrical engineering and computer science and deals with the design and application of computer systems. These computer systems can range from super computers to tiny microprocessors that are embedded in all kinds of apparatus such as automobiles, appliances, cellular phones, medical devices, office equipment, etc. A computer engineering program teaches students about computer hardware, software, integration, interfacing, and application with a strong emphasis on analysis and design. Hence, students pursuing a computer engineering degree must have a solid foundation in mathematics and physical sciences. Students must develop problem-solving and decision-making skills as well as an appreciation for the impact of technology in society. Graduates of the program can seek employment immediately, or to continue studies for an advanced degree in computer engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, or other areas such as business, law, or medicine.

Electrical engineering is the profession that deals with the processing of information and energy. It is the branch of engineering that covers the many diverse electrical, electronic, and magnetic devices and systems from conceptual design through manufacturing to applications in the field. Graduates with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering have a number of options available to them. They may engage in the analysis, modeling, simulation, design, testing, manufacturing, or field services of electrical, electronic, or magnetic equipment. Persons interested in research, development, or college-level teaching may return to universities for advanced degrees in a specified area of electrical engineering.

Mechanical engineering is the field responsible for the design of machines and devices used throughout society. Industries involved in the generation of electricity; in petroleum production; and in the design and manufacture of electronics, aircraft, automobiles, consumer and industrial products typically employ large numbers of mechanical engineers. Mechanical engineers are also employed by companies involved in automated manufacturing as well as robotics and control. The program at San Francisco State University prepares the student to enter into professional employment directly after graduation in addition to providing the needed foundation for graduate study.

Recognizing the value to certain students majoring in science for broadening their education to include applications of their backgrounds in science to real-world physical systems, the Minor in Engineering is offered.

The master's program includes three primary curricular areas of specialization in civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering from which the student may choose his/her program of study upon advisement. The objectives of the program are to provide students with advanced engineering education necessary for solving complex problems in engineering practice and to provide opportunities for updating and upgrading the skills of practicing engineers. These objectives are accomplished by a flexible program to meet individual student needs.

Career Outlook

Graduates with a B.S. in Civil Engineering may engage in the design and construction of buildings, bridges, roads, dams, water supply facilities, and environmental facilities for treating wastewater and hazardous wastes. Civil engineers find employment with industrial firms, government agencies, utilities, and public works departments, as well as engineering firms which consult for these enterprises. After gaining practical experience, some civil engineers form their own consulting firms.

Computing engineering is the profession that deals with computer hardware/software design, integration, interfacing, and application. It is the fastest growing engineering profession, and it impacts all aspects of our lives. Since computers are everywhere, from super computers to embedded microprocessors, computer engineers are needed in design, development, testing, marketing, and technical support of a wide variety of industries. Examples of major industries that employ computer engineers include computers, semiconductors, instrumentation, communications, networks, medical equipment, manufacturing, automobile, etc.

Graduates with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering may engage in the analysis, modeling, simulation, design, testing, manufacturing, or field services of electrical, electronic, or magnetic equipment. They may also engage in the operation and maintenance of facilities for electrical power generation or telecommunication. High technology companies, in the fields of electronic and computer manufacturing as well as utilities in power generation and communications employ electrical engineers.

Graduates with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering may immediately engage in the design, analysis, testing, production, and maintenance of machines and mechanical systems. Most industries such as aerospace, manufacturing, automotive, chemical, power generation, agriculture, food processing, textile, and mining employ mechanical engineers.

Engineers interested in research, development, or college-level teaching return to college for an M.S. or Ph.D. in their specified field. Engineers interested in management and business aspects may return to college for a Master of Business Administration.


Freshman applicants should complete four years of mathematics, one year of chemistry, and one year of physics in high school. Students are also encouraged to include courses in mechanical drawing and computer programming.

Community college transfers should complete the sequence of mathematics, chemistry, physics, and engineering courses listed in freshman and sophomore years under the "sample sequence of courses," if available at the community college.

The Bachelors of Science in Civil, Computer, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering require 132 semester units. Major requirements including mathematics, chemistry, and physics prerequisites are 99 units. For civil and mechanical engineering, 51 of the required units are lower division and 48 units are upper division. For electrical engineering, 50 of the required units are lower division and 49 units are upper division. For computer engineering, 47 of the required units are lower division and 52 units are upper division. The remaining 33 units satisfy the balance of the university requirements including communication skills and general education in humanities and social sciences. Students are advised that, except for some G.E. courses, all courses which are to be counted toward completion of an engineering degree must be taken for a letter grade; the CR/NC option may not be used in this context.

Recognizing the need of the professional engineer to participate in facets of problem solving that extend beyond technical and economic considerations, the General Education requirement for engineering students includes 33 units in courses other than mathematics, natural sciences, and business. Students have the option of following either the university General Education program or the School of Engineering General Education program. The School of Engineering G.E. program permits a student to use courses required for the engineering majors to satisfy some of the G.E. requirements, so that the total number of units outside of major requirements is reduced. Students should inquire at the School of Engineering office about the approved General Education requirements for engineering majors.

Courses are scheduled during the day as well as in the late afternoon and evening. Other information and assistance in selecting courses can be obtained from a major adviser in the School of Engineering, or by calling 415/338-1174, by e-mail to, or by writing to School of Engineering, San Francisco State University, Science Building, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132.

On-line course descriptions are available.


The curriculum provides a broad-based common core of engineering science and the essential civil engineering subjects. The students conclude with eleven units of electives where primary emphasis is placed on design, practical applications, and computer solutions in selected areas of civil engineering.

At least fifteen units of 400-level courses and engineering electives must be completed at SFSU, except with prior approval from an adviser and the head of the civil engineering program. Upper-division courses in the major must be completed within ten years of graduation.

The number of units required for graduation and the General Education requirements are described in the Undergraduate Education section of this Bulletin. For information for all engineering students, see Undergraduate Programs in Engineering above.

Sample Sequence of Courses Units
First Semester
CHEM 115 General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry 5
MATH 226 Calculus I 4
ENGR 100 Introduction to Engineering 1
ENGR 101 Engineering Graphics 1
ENG 114 First Year Written Composition 3
U.S. History/Government course (may be satisfied by examinations) 3-6
Total 17
Second Semester
MATH 227 Calculus II 4
PHYS 220/222 General Physics with Calculus I/Laboratory (3/1) 4
ENGR 103 Introduction to Computers 1
ENGR 106 Introduction to Engineering Laboratory 1
G.E. Course 3
G.E. Oral Communication course 3
Total 16
Third Semester
MATH 228 Calculus III 4
PHYS 230/232 General Physics with Calculus II/Laboratory (3/1) 4
ENGR 102 Statics 3
ENGR 200 Materials of Engineering 3
ENG 214 Second Year Written Composition 3
Total 17
Fourth Semester
MATH 245 Elementary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 3
PHYS 240/242 General Physics with Calculus III/Laboratory (3/1) 4
ENGR 201 Dynamics 3
ENGR 205 Electric Circuits 3
ENGR 235 Surveying 3
Total 16
Fifth Semester
ENGR 300 Engineering Experimentation 3
ENGR 304 Mechanics of Fluids 3
ENGR 309 Mechanics of Solids 3
ENGR 436 Transportation Engineering 3
G.E. Courses 6
Total 18
Sixth Semester
ENGR 302 Experimental Analysis 1
ENGR 323 Structural Analysis 3
ENGR 429 Construction Management 3
ENGR 430 Soil Mechanics 3
ENGR 434 Principles of Environmental Engineering 3
G.E. Course 3
Total 16
Seventh Semester
ENGR 696 Engineering Design Project I 1
Engineering Electives 9
Technical Elective 3
G.E. Course 3
Total 16
Eighth Semester
ENGR 697 Engineering Design Project II 2
Engineering Electives 8
G.E. Courses 6
Total 16

Upper Division Electives

Choice of upper division electives must present a clearly identifiable educational objective and ensure that the program requirements in engineering science and design are met by all students. Distribution of credit units among engineering science and design is given in the Advising Guide. A study plan of intended upper division electives must be approved by the student's adviser and the program head of civil engineering prior to the seventh semester of the engineering program.

A total of twenty units from the following list of courses is required, subject to the minimum number of units specified for each group. Courses numbered 800 and above are available to qualified undergraduates.

Engineering Electives (17 units)
ENGR 303 Engineering Thermodynamics
ENGR 305 Systems Analysis
ENGR 308 Computer Methods in Engineering
ENGR 425 Reinforced Concrete Structures
ENGR 426 Steel Structures
ENGR 427 Wood Structures
ENGR 428 Applied Stress Analysis
ENGR 431 Foundation Engineering
ENGR 432 Finite Element Methods
ENGR 435 Environmental Engineering Design
ENGR 439 Construction Engineering
ENGR 461 Mechanical and Structural Vibrations
ENGR 468 Applied Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
ENGR 698 Engineering Seminar (1-3)
ENGR 699 Special Study in Engineering (1-3)
ENGR 830 Finite Element Methods in Structural Continuum Mechanics
ENGR 833 Principles of Earthquake Engineering
ENGR 834 Hazardous Waste Management
ENGR 836 Structural Design for Earthquakes
ENGR 837 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
ENGR 838 Environmental Engineering Information System
ENGR 839 Water Pollution Control Engineering
Selected graduate course upon approval
Technical Electives (3 units)
ENGR 610 Engineering Cost Analysis
GEOL 430 Structural Geology (4)
GEOL 456 Soils Geology
GEOL 474 Engineering Geology
GEOL 475 Hydrogeology
MATH 340 Probability and Statistics
CHEM 380 Chemistry Behind Environmental Pollution
DS 601 Applied Management Science


Computer engineering is a multidisciplinary field that has grown and become a separate discipline by itself. The first two years of the program are designed to build a strong background in mathematics and science to provide a basis for understanding the underlying analysis and modeling tools and physical principles that are common to all engineering. The last two years cover a rich set of hardware and software subjects to give students a broad background in computer engineering. This broad foundation enables students to adapt and extend their knowledge and skills more easily in the future. The curriculum also stresses problem solving skills and teamwork. Through electives, students can choose to develop further breadth or in-depth knowledge in one of three areas: embedded systems, network systems, or multimedia systems.

The number of units required for graduation and the General Education requirements are described in the Undergraduate Education section of this Bulletin. For information for all engineering students, see Undergraduate Programs in Engineering above.

Sample Sequence of Courses Units
First Semester
CHEM 115 General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry 5
MATH 226 Calculus I 4
ENGR 120 Introduction to Computer Engineering 3
ENG 114 First Year Written Composition 3
Total 15
Second Semester
MATH 227 Calculus II 4
PHYS 220/222 General Physics with Calculus I/Laboratory (3/1) 4
CSC 212 Introduction to Software Development in Unix 2
U.S. History/Government course(s) (may be satisfied by examinations) 3-6
G.E. Course 3
Total 16
Third Semester
MATH 228 Calculus III 4
PHYS 230/232 General Physics with Calculus II/Laboratory (3/1) 4
CSC 210 Introduction to Computer Programming 3
ENG 214 Second Year Written Composition 3
G.E. Course 3
Total 17
Fourth Semester
MATH 245 Elementary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 3
PHYS 240/242 General Physics with Calculus III/Laboratory (3/1) 4
CSC 213 Fundamentals of Computer Science 3
ENGR 205 Electric Circuits 3
ENGR 206 Circuits and Instrumentation Laboratory 1
G.E. Oral Communication course 3
Total 17
Fifth Semester
CSC 330 or
MATH 330
Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science 3
ENGR 300 Engineering Experimentation 3
ENGR 305 Linear Systems Analysis 3
ENGR 356 Basic Computer Architecture 3
ENGR 357 Basic Digital Laboratory 1
G.E. Course 3
Total 16
Sixth Semester
CSC 313 Data Structure 3
ENGR 301 Electrical Measurements 1
ENGR 353 Electronics 3
ENGR 378 Digital Systems Design 3
ENGR 478 Design with Microprocessors 4
G.E. Course 3
Total 17
Seventh Semester
CSC 413 Software Development 3
ENGR 456 Computer Systems 3
ENGR 476 Computer Networks 3
ENGR 691 Computer Engineering Seminar 2
Technical Elective 3
G.E. Course 3
Total 17
Eighth Semester
ENGR 451 Digital Signal Processing 4
ENGR 692 Engineering Design Project 4
Technical Elective 3
G.E. Courses 6
Total 17

Upper Division Technical Electives

Choice of upper division electives must demonstrate a clearly identifiable educational objective and with an adviser's approval. A study plan of intended upper division electives must be approved by the student's adviser and the program coordinator for computer engineering prior to registering for ENGR 691. In addition to ENGR 691 and ENGR 692, at least 15 of the senior-level (400 or above) computer engineering units must be completed at SFSU. Upper division (300 or above) computer engineering courses must have been taken within five years of graduation.

A total of six units from the following list of courses is required.

ENGR 306 Electromechanical Systems
ENGR 350 Engineering Electromagnetics
ENGR 442 Operational Amplifiers Systems Design
ENGR 443 Multimedia Systems
ENGR 446 Control Systems Laboratory
ENGR 447 Control Systems
ENGR 449 Communication Systems
ENGR 453 Digital Integrated Circuit Design (4)
ENGR 454 High-speed Circuit Board Design
ENGR 455 Power Electronics (4)
ENGR 479 Real-time Systems
CSC 510 Analysis of Algorithms I
CSC 415 Operating System Principles
CSC 620 Natural Language Processing
CSC 630 Computer Graphics Systems Design
CSC 635 Software Techniques for Computer Music
CSC 640 Software Engineering
CSC 642 Human Computer Interation
CSC 645 Computer Networks
CSC 650 Secured Network Systems
CSC 665 Artificial Intelligence
CSC 667 Internet Application Design and Development
CSC 668 Object Oriented Programming


The required upper division courses provide a broad and basic understanding of the main fields in electrical engineering. Upon advisement, each student may choose an area of specialization in the senior year in communications, computers, electronics, control/robotics, or power engineering.

The number of units required for graduation and the General Education requirements are described in the Undergraduate Education section of this Bulletin. For information for all engineering students, see Undergraduate Programs in Engineering above.

Sample Sequence of Courses Units
First Semester
CHEM 115 General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry 5
MATH 226 Calculus I 4
ENGR 100 Introduction to Engineering 1
ENGR 106 Introduction to Engineering Laboratory 1
ENG 114 First Year Written Composition 3
U.S. History/Government course (may be satisfied by examinations) 3-6
Total 17
Second Semester
MATH 227 Calculus II 4
PHYS 220/222 General Physics with Calculus I/Laboratory (3/1) 4
CSC 210 Introduction to Computer Programming 3
G.E. Course 3
G.E. Oral Communication course 3
Total 17
Third Semester
MATH 228 Calculus III 4
PHYS 230/232 General Physics with Calculus II/Laboratory (3/1) 4
Units selected from the following mechanical engineering electives: 3
  ENGR 201 Dynamics  
  ENGR 203 Materials of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  ENGR 204 Engineering Mechanics
  ENGR 303 Engineering Thermodynamics
G.E. Elective 3
ENG 214 Second Year Written Composition 3
Total 17
Fourth Semester
MATH 245 Elementary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 3
PHYS 240/242 General Physics with Calculus III/Laboratory (3/1) 4
ENGR 205 Electric Circuits 3
ENGR 206 Circuits and Instrumentation Laboratory 1
ENGR 290 Modular Elective (MATLAB or Pspice) 1
G.E. Electives 6
Total 18
Fifth Semester
ENGR 300 Engineering Experimentation 3
ENGR 301 Electronics Laboratory 1
ENGR 305 Linear Systems Analysis 3
ENGR 315 Linear Systems Analysis Laboratory 1
ENGR 353 Electronics 3
ENGR 356 Basic Computer Architecture 3
ENGR 357 Basic Digital Laboratory 1
Total 15
Sixth Semester
ENGR 306 Electromechanical Systems 3
ENGR 442 Operational Amplifier System Design 3
ENGR 451 Digital Signal Processing 4
ENGR 478 Design with Microprocessors 4
G.E. Course 3
Total 17
Seventh Semester
ENGR 350 Introduction to Engineering Electromagnetics 3
ENGR 446 Control Systems Laboratory 1
ENGR 447 Control Systems 3
ENGR 449 Communication Systems 3
ENGR 696 Engineering Design Project I 1
Engineering Elective 3
G.E. Course 3
Total 17
Eighth Semester
ENGR 697 Engineering Design Project II 2
Engineering Electives 6
Technical Elective 3
G.E. Course 3
Total 14

Upper Division Electives

Choice of upper division electives must present a clearly identifiable educational objective and ensure that the program requirements in engineering science and design are met by all students. Distribution of credit units among engineering science and design is given in the Advising Guide. A study plan of intended upper-division electives must be approved by the student's adviser and the program coordinator for Electrical Engineering prior to the seventh semester of the engineering program and must include at least two senior-level laboratories. At least fifteen of the 400-level engineering units must be completed at SFSU. Upper division courses must have been taken within five years of graduation.

A total of twelve units from the following list of courses is required, subject to the minimum number of units specified for each group.

Engineering Electives (9 units)
ENGR 378 Digital Systems Design
ENGR 410 Instrumentation and Process Control
ENGR 411 Instrumentation and Process Control Laboratory (1)
ENGR 415 Mechatronics
ENGR 416 Mechatronics Laboratory (1)
ENGR 445 Analog Integrated Circuit Design (4)
ENGR 448 Electrical Power Systems
ENGR 450 Electromagnetic Waves
ENGR 452 Communications Laboratory (1)
ENGR 453 Digital Integrated Circuit Design (4)
ENGR 455 Power Electronics (4)
ENGR 456 Computer Systems
ENGR 457 Electromagnetics Compatibility
ENGR 458 Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
ENGR 459 Power Engineering Laboratory (1)
ENGR 476 Computer Communication and Networks
ENGR 698 Engineering Seminar (1-3)
ENGR 699 Special Study in Engineering (1-3)
Technical Electives (3 units)
CSC 410 Data Structures
CSC 415 Operating System Principles
CSC 610 Sorting and Searching
CSC 630 Computer Graphics Systems Design
PHYS 450 Introduction to Solid State Physics
ENGR 610 Engineering Cost Analysis
DS 601 Applied Management Science
MATH 341 Probability Theory
MATH 342 Mathematical Statistics
MATH 374 Advanced Calculus
MATH 379 Partial Differential Equations
MATH 380 Introduction to Functions of a Complex Variable
MATH 430 Operations Research: Deterministic Methods


The required courses provide a thorough grounding in the essentials of mechanical engineering. Elective courses taken as part of one of the areas of emphasis allow for specialization. The areas of emphasis currently offered are mechanical design, thermal-fluids systems, and robotics and control.

Thirty units must be earned in residence at SFSU. Twenty-four of these units must be upper division courses and twelve of these upper division units must be in the major.

The number of units required for graduation and the General Education requirements are described in the Undergraduate Education section of this Bulletin. For information for all engineering students, see Undergraduate Programs in Engineering above.

Sample Sequence of Courses Units
First Semester
CHEM 115 General Chemistry I: Essential Concepts of Chemistry 5
MATH 226 Calculus I 4
ENGR 100 Introduction to Engineering 1
ENGR 101 Engineering Graphics 1
ENG 114 First Year Written Composition 3
U.S. History/Government courses (may be satisfied by examinations) 3-6
Total 17
Second Semester
MATH 227 Calculus II 4
PHYS 220/222 General Physics with Calculus I/Laboratory (3/1) 4
ENGR 103 Introduction to Computers 1
G.E. Course 3
G.E. Oral Communication course 3
Total 15
Third Semester
MATH 228 Calculus III 4
PHYS 230/232 General Physics with Calculus II/Laboratory (3/1) 4
ENGR 102 Statics 3
ENGR 200 Materials of Engineering 3
ENG 214 Second Year Written Composition 3
Total 17
Fourth Semester
MATH 245 Elementary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 3
PHYS 240/242 General Physics with Calculus III/Laboratory (3/1) 4
ENGR 201 Dynamics 3
ENGR 205 Electric Circuits 3
ENGR 206 Circuits and Instrumentation Laboratory 1
Core Electives 3
Total 17
Fifth Semester
ENGR 300 Engineering Experimentation 3
ENGR 303 Engineering Thermodynamics 3
ENGR 305 Linear Systems Analysis 3
ENGR 309 Mechanics of Solids 3
G.E. Courses 6
Total 18
Sixth Semester
ENGR 302 Experimental Analysis 1
ENGR 304 Mechanics of Fluids 3
ENGR 364 Materials and Manufacturing Processes 3
Engineering Elective 3
Technical Elective 3
G.E. Course 3
Total 16
Seventh Semester
ENGR 464 Mechanical Design 3
ENGR 467 Heat Transfer 3
ENGR 696 Engineering Design Project I 1
Units selected from the following, depending on area of emphasis: 4
  ENGR 446/447 Control Systems/Lab  
  ENGR 410/411 Process Instrumentation and Control/Lab
G.E. Course 3
Engineering Elective 3
Total 17
Eighth Semester
ENGR 463 Thermal Power Systems 3
ENGR 697 Engineering Design Project II 2
Engineering Elective 4
G.E. Courses 6
Total 15

Core Electives

ENGR 290 Modular Electives (Various 1-unit contemporary topics)


Upper Division Electives

Choice of upper division electives must present a clearly identifiable educational objective and ensure that the program requirements in engineering science and design are met by all students. Distribution of credit units among engineering science and design is given in the Advising Guide. A study plan of intended upper division electives must be approved by the student's adviser and the program head for mechanical engineering prior to the seventh semester of the engineering program.

A total of thirteen units from the following list of courses is required, subject to the minimum number of units specified for each group.

Engineering Electives (10 units)
ENGR 306 Electromechanical Systems
ENGR 308 Computer Methods
ENGR 410 Instrumentation and Process Control
ENGR 411 Instrumentation and Process Control Laboratory (1)
ENGR 415 Mechatronics
ENGR 416 Mechatronics Laboratory (1)
ENGR 428 Applied Stress Analysis
ENGR 432 Finite Element Methods
ENGR 446 Control Systems Laboratory
ENGR 447 Control Systems
ENGR 461 Mechanical and Structural Vibration
ENGR 465 Principles of HVAC
ENGR 466 Gas Dynamics and Boundary Layer Flow
ENGR 468 Applied Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
ENGR 698 Engineering Seminar (1-3)
ENGR 699 Special Study in Engineering (1-3)
Technical Electives (3 units)
MATH 430 Operations Research: Deterministic Measurements
ENGR 610 Engineering Cost Analysis
DS 601 Applied Management Science
An upper division business, mathematics, or physics course with prior permission of program head

NOTE: Students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher may take graduate courses as electives with the approval of the course instructor.


Students intending to qualify for this minor must meet with the director of the School of Engineering to plan a projected program and complete the Engineering Minor Approval form. When this form is completed and approved by the director, it will serve as an agreement between the student and the School of Engineering which assures qualification for the minor upon completion of the courses designated on the form. Revision of the form requires the approval of the director.

Prerequisite knowledge requires completion of MATH 228, CHEM 115, and PHYS 240/242 or acceptable equivalents prior to commencing this minor. The minor may be satisfied by a minimum of 21 units distributed as follows.

Core Courses Units
Units chosen on advisement from the following: 12-15
  ENGR 102 Statics  
  ENGR 201 Dynamics
  ENGR 205 Electric Circuits
  ENGR 304 Fluid Mechanics
  ENGR 305 Linear Systems Analysis
  ENGR 306 Electromechanical Systems
  ENGR 308 Computer Methods in Engineering
  ENGR 309 Mechanics of Solids
  ENGR 350 Engineering Electromagnetics
  ENGR 353 Electronics
  ENGR 356 Basic Computer Architecture
  ENGR 357 Basic Digital Laboratory
Units chosen from the 400-level series of engineering courses


Total 21


Admission to the Program

Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree in engineering, or a closely related discipline, with a minimum GPA of 2.5 in upper division major classes, in addition to meeting general university requirements for graduate standing. The School of Engineering also requires two letters of recommendation from persons familiar with the student's previous academic work or professional accomplishments.

Advancement to Candidacy

The applicant is advanced to candidacy when the Graduate Approved Program (GAP) has been signed and approved by the Dean of the Graduate Division.

Written English Proficiency Requirements

Level One: is satisfied by passing either the Graduate Essay Test (GET) which is administered by the university Testing Center or an approved English writing course. Level Two: is satisfied by the completion of a written thesis (ENGR 898) or research project (ENGR 895).


The program is based on 30 semester units. It includes nine units of required courses, six units for individual research and thesis, and a minimum of fifteen units of electives. Among the electives, no more than six units are to be taken from areas other than engineering, and they must be consistent with the overall career objectives of the student as provided in the program of study. At least 21 units must be earned in graduate level courses.

Required Courses Units
ENGR 800 Engineering Communications 3
ENGR 801 Engineering Management 3
ENGR 803 Applied Probability and Statistics for Engineers 3
Engineering Electives
Units selected on advisement from the following: 9-18
  ENGR 828 Advanced Stress Analysis  
  ENGR 830 Finite Element Methods in Structural and Continuum Mechanics
  ENGR 833 Principles of Earthquake Engineering
  ENGR 834 Hazardous Waste Management
  ENGR 835 Advanced Steel Structures
  ENGR 836 Structural Design for Earthquakes
  ENGR 837 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
  ENGR 838 Environmental Engineering Information Systems
  ENGR 839 Water Pollution Control Engineering
  ENGR 840 Power Systems Simulation and Control
  ENGR 841 Power Systems Transients and Stability
  ENGR 842 Design with Digital Integrated Circuits
  ENGR 845 Motion Control Technology
  ENGR 846 Power Quality Issues: Problems and Solutions
  ENGR 847 Switching Mode Power Supply Design
  ENGR 850 Parallel Processing
  ENGR 851 Advanced Microprocessor Architecture
  ENGR 852 Advanced Digital Design
  ENGR 853 Advanced Topics in Computer Communication and Networks
  ENGR 854 Wireless Data Communication Standards
  ENGR 855 Advanced Wireless Communication Technologies
  ENGR 860 Advanced Engineering Design: The Human Interface
  ENGR 862 Deformation and Fracture of Materials
  ENGR 865 Mechanism Synthesis and Analysis
  ENGR 866 Engineering Aspects of Air Pollution
  ENGR 890 Graduate Seminar
Non-Engineering Electives
Courses, either graduate or upper division, selected primarily from science, mathematics, social science, or business, upon approval of the graduate coordinator.
Culminating Experience
Units selected from one of the options below
Option A
ENGR 897 Research  
ENGR 898 Thesis [thesis may not be started until completion of 12 units of graduate course work and ENGR 897]
Option B
ENGR 895 Applied Research Project [project may not be started until completion of 12 units of graduate course work]  
Minimum total 30

NOTE: Engineering electives are number-coded as follows: 820-839 are civil, 840-859 are electrical, and 860-879 are mechanical engineering.