Archived Information
San Francisco
State University
Honoring others
Giving a Gift

Giving a gift

Strategic plans

"My gifts to the University are a tangible way of showing my appreciation for the important role it plays in its contributions to the achievements of our age."

-- John Taube, donor

San Francisco State University is grateful for the generosity of all of its donors, and acknowledges each by name (unless requested to do otherwise) every fall in its "Report to Contributors." Certain gifts, however, receive special honor and recognition for having significantly strengthened the future of San Francisco State, and for having furthered the University's mission.

The President's Circle
Members of the President's Circle are individual donors who have contributed $1,000 or more to the University during the year, helping ensure that San Francisco State continues to be the valuable Bay Area resource it has been for nearly 100 years.

Members of the President's Circle become partners with one of the country's leading public urban universities. Through newsletters and University publications, members are kept informed on matters of importance to the campus; they receive library privileges and invitations to receptions. athletic events, presentations be the College of Creative Arts, and other special events.

The Alexander C. Roberts Society
One of the great accomplishments of Alexander C. Roberts, San Francisco State's third president, was recognizing the need for an expanded campus and successfully lobbying Sacramento for the purchase of our current site. President Roberts' vision and commitment have opened doors to thousands more students at SFSU.

Membership in the Alexander C. Roberts Society is an honor bestowed upon those who have included SFSU in their estate plans. The legacy of these donors is an inseparable part of the University's future; generations of students and faculty will benefit from their foresight and generosity.

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Archived Information. Last modified March 20, 2009, by University Communications