Class Schedule Features

Effective: June 27, 2016

Autocompleted search suggestions for disciplines

What does it do How to use it What are the results
Will suggest a discipline as a user is typing. Enter a few characters and a list of suggested disciplines will display Autocomplete will only suggest current disciplines offered in "Regular University" and "College of Extended Learning" sessions
Screenshot of search box displaying autocompleted items listed

Easier way to search for classes with seats available and online classes

What does it do How to use it What are the results
Limits search results to classes with seats available and/or meet online. In "Advance Search", select "Classes with seats available" and/or "Online Classes" along with other options. Only classes with seats available and/or meet fully online will display.
Screenshot of form checkboxes Classes with seats available and Online Classes

Find classes that meet General Education requirements fast

What does it do How to use it What are the results
Displays course attributes on the search results page. Scan the "Course attributes" column or use the filter tool to narrow courses that meet the requirement. Course attributes are listed.
Screenshot of table displaying course attributes for ART 201, 2020 and 205 Fall 2016

Filter search results by title, number or instructor

What does it do How to use it What are the results
Filters search result content being displayed. Enter either part of a course title,number, attributes or instructor's name. Information will be reduced to match the content entered in the filter box.
Screenshot of filter box

Sortable columns to quickly find seats available information

What does it do How to use it What are the results
Data is sorted in selected column in either ascending or descending order. Select the up/down arrows to the right of the column heading Data will sort in order selected. To find classes with seats available, select the up/down arrows and low/high numbers will display.
Screenshot of table highlighting up and down arrows in column header

Send class schedule information to a friend

What does it do How to use it What are the results
Sends a short email message with the course details. From the course details page, select "Send to a friend" link under the "Now what?" heading. A window will open, enter the recipient's email address and select the "Send message" button. The email message contains the course title, class number and link to the course details page.
Screenshot of course details page highlighting Now What? heading

Mobile responsive

What does it do How to use it What are the results
When a site is responsive, the layout and/or content responds and adapts based on the size of screen they are presented on. Automatically, the content will change to fit the device. Improved experience. The entire website can be seen onscreen.
Screenshot of mobile view of the search page