ITS Principles and the SFSU Proposal

The principles of the California State University’s Integrated Technology Strategy Initiative for Baseline Hardware/Software Access, Training and User Support clearly articulate the goals and objectives of the comprehensive technology environment San Francisco State University has been building during the past several years.

It has been clear to the university, through trends in higher education, student demand, collaborative inter-campus projects and the external social and economic environment that technological infrastructure, access to the information and resources it provides, and an appropriate level of training and support are essential to the university’s success in supporting its mission.

This plan describes San Francisco State University’s extensive planning efforts, the current technological access, training and support environment, and a description of how this environment will evolve to meet the target environment described by the Integrated Technology Strategy Initiative, including specific project and staffing plans, finance and budget plans and schedules. Because of San Francisco State’s detailed planning efforts and existing, long-term institutional and financial commitment to an integrated technology infrastructure, this proposal includes a request for priority funding for an "Early Start/Easy Access" program, to be implemented in the second half of FY96/97, to demonstrate an effective and expedient approach to reaching the goals outlined in this proposal.