1. We project that SFSU’s FTES will be 22,000 (a 10% increase over the current cap) and that the number of students will be approximately 29,000.

2. We project that on-line course work activities will occupy 25% of students’ time.

3. FTES enrolls in 15 units. Each 3 unit course is equivalent to 3 hours in class and 5 hours out of class work. Thus, each FTE student works 38 hours per week on course work.

4. Combining 1, 2, and 3 yields 206,250 hours per week of on-line access for course work.

5. Additional hours for exploring the Internet, obtaining advising, e-mail correspondence, etc. will be planned at 6 hours per week per student (not per FTES). This is an additional need for 174,000 hours per week.

6. Combining 4 and 5 yields 380,250 hours per week of access for students.

7. A week consists of 24 hours x 7 = 168 hours. There are 126 prime time hours (6am-12pm) and 42 non-prime time hours per week.

8. 90% of student work should be planned for prime time and 10% for non-prime time. Workloads will be evenly distributed over this time period.

9. Combining 6, 7, and 8 yields 2716 simultaneous users during prime time and 905 simultaneous users during non-prime time.

Since we are concerned about providing access, we can use these numbers to project network capacity and mainframe workloads:

10. Minimally, on-campus facilities must support those who have no other computing resources. For planning purposes, we have projected that this will be 15% of the student population.

11. An equal number of students who do have computing resources will choose to use campus resources during prime time (but will work at home during non-prime time hours).

12. Combining 9, 10, and 11 yields a need for 815 work stations available to students on campus during prime time and 136 work stations available during non-prime time.

13. Combining 9 and 12 yields 1901 simultaneous remote users during prime time and 770 simultaneous remote users during non-prime time.

14. For planning purposes, it will be assumed that 15% of those with computing resources off-campus will not have on-line access by a means other than the campus modem pool.

15. Combining 13 and 14 yields the need for a minimum of 285 lines in the campus modem pool for student use. NOTE: We currently have 160 modems used by students, faculty, and staff, and 100 more are being added.